How it Started

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On her fifth birthday in February it started. 

We were playing with the new tea set she was given. She was pouring me some tea and I watched as her hand started to shake. Suddenly Ruby collapsed on the floor with tea spilling everywhere. Her body began to shake. It all felt so unreal. 

Mommy came running in screaming. Daddy grabbed the phone and dialed 911. Ruby stopped moving and Mommy held Ruby's head in her hands. We all watched as Ruby's eyes fluttered open. 

There were tears in her blood shot eyes as the ambulance sounded from outside the house. Strangers came in and did all sorts of stuff to make sure she was okay. Ruby was crying and so was Mommy and Daddy. As they lifted Ruby off the ground she cried for me and they picked me up and put me in her arms. 

Her tears soaked into my fuzzy body, but it was okay, she needed me, and I needed her. 

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