Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Carrie's POV*

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my outfit. Today was my best friend's birthday and she wanted me to dress up, but I didn't feel comfortable with the outfit she chose. I begged her not to make me wear it, because it was a mini skirt with a strapless shirt and silver 4 inch heels. Yeah, not happening. She agreed but I sorta felt guilty.

Instead of wearing that I'm wearing black leggings with a white shirt that has a black belt on my hips and converse. My natural wavy blonde hair was down and fell to my waist. I looked pretty and hoped Molly liked it so my guilt would go away.

Molly Anderson is my best friend in the whole wide world. She is two weeks older than me but I'm the mature one. She is also the cheerleading captain and she makes sure that no one picks on me. She's sorta like my guardian. Today she is turning 18 and she is super happy for one reason. She is finally old enough to date Mason Davis.

Mason is a year older than us and Molly is madly in love with him. She's brave but she's afraid of what Mason will think of her. Mason is 5'9 with blonde hair and silver eyes. He is a very athletic person, but got a scholarship in literature. He loves writing and wants to be an author one day. He is extremely protective of his younger sister and is always there for her.

How do I know this you ask? Am I a stalker? No, I know this because I am his younger sister, Carrie Davis. When I was eight years old my mom died in a car accident and since then my dad has been working all the time to pay for us. We hardly ever see him so it's usually me and Mason.

Anyways back to the subject at hand I knew it was time to go to school and face Molly's anger. God all mighty, let her be in a good mood today. Trust me when she's angry it's everyone for themselves.

I grabbed my iPhone 5c my book bag and headed down stairs. When I got there I grabbed a pop tart and sat next to Mason who was drinking some coffee. He was typing on his laptop but stopped when I sat down and turned to me. "Mornin sis," he greeted hugging me. I hugged him back.

"Mornin bro," I replied.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Good, I guess."

"Good. So you need a ride to school?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Well, since your car is in the shop getting fixed I thought you'd like a ride," he replied.

"Well thanks, but no thanks. Ryan's giving me a ride." Before you jump to conclusions Ryan is not my boyfriend. He's my best guy friend and has been since Molly introduced us. He is really hot though don't get me wrong. He has red hair with green eyes and strong features. He's 6'0 tall and has muscles. He is co-captain of the football team, and is a fast sprinter for the track team. He's very athletic like Mason, but that's only because he sees Mason as his role model so he does what he can to impress him. Oh and he is also Molly's brother.

"Oh okay," Mason replied just before there was a knock at the door.

I threw my pop tart wrapper away and hugged Mason. "Bye Mase. Love you," I said bolting out of the kitchen.

"Bye Carrie. Love you too," he called after me.

I walked out the door and saw Ryan leaning against his black Porsche. He waved at me and I ran over and hugged him. He hugged me back and said, "Hey Carrie-bear."

"Hey Ry-bug," I replied. That's what we've called each other since we were six and it's always stuck.

We pulled away from the hug and got into the car. When he started driving I turned on the radio and Sister Rosetta by the Noisettes was playing. I listened to it and listened to three other songs before we arrived at school.

We got out of the car and I immediately spotted Molly running up to us. "Hey Ryan! Hey Carrie!" she yelled. We waved and when she got to us she pulled me into a hug. "You look pretty," she said.

"Thanks. You look beautiful," I replied and she did. Her brown hair was wavey which made her blonde high lights stand out. Her blue eyes really popped out because of her make-up which was light and not like a lot of girls make-up around here. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a peach colored shirt that went to her belt but was a little longer in the back, and she had on black vans.

"Thank you," she said hugging me again. After she hugged me she hugged Ryan and then we walked inside.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my English text book and started walking to class with Ryan. Since Molly's first period is Math she walked with the co-captain of the cheerleaders Mackenzie Moon. Hate her!

As me and Ryan were walking he was saying how excited he was for the game tonight. I was smiling because his excitement is contagious. While we were talking I suddenly bumped into somebody and fell to the ground.

"Ouch! What the hell?!" I screamed wincing.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Ryan asked helping me up and collecting my books.

"Yeah, thanks," I said when he gave me my books back. I look to see who was standing in front of me and my eyes went wide. It was Ryder Morgan. He was captain of the football team, a star boxer for the boxing team, and a bad boy. He sleeps with girls then breaks their hearts. I know that because Ryan and him are like bros for life or something like that, and he's all I hear girls talk about.

Ryder was staring at me and he had a smile forming on his face. I didn't feel uncomfortable with him staring at me which was weird considering I hate when people stare. What did feel weird was the million dollar smile on his face directed at me, and that made him look ten times hotter. He has light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was tall and really buff. He was wearing a black v-neck with dark blue jeans and black converse.

"Carrie? Carrie? Earth to Carrie!" I heard Ryan say and snapped back to reality after he waved his hand in front of my face. I looked at him and he said, "Come on. We have to go to English."

After saying that he put his hand on my back and I heard a...growl? I looked towards Ryder and he had anger in his eyes. He grabbed my wrist and threw me behind him. "Mine!" he growled out. Okay...what?

Ryan looked at him confused and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"

They stopped talking and then a few minutes later shock came over Ryan's face. "Ohhhhh. Well then congrats dude," Ryan said patting him on the back.

"Well..." I said and they turned to me. "This has been fun but I think," I waited for a second and then the warning bell rang signaling people to get to class, "that's my cue to go."

"No!" Ryder said pulling me into his chest.

"Let me go," I said not pushing or fighting him because honestly I liked being in his arms.

"No," he said again holding me tighter. I was enjoying this moment but I was also a little creeped out so I brought my knee up and kicked him in his family jewels. "Oww," he screamed falling to the floor.

Ryan fell on his ass laughing and I said, "I need to get to class. Thanks for letting me go." After I finished talking Ryan stood up and we bolted to English.

I saw Ryder running and when he saw us he went to come in the room, but the late bell rang and my teacher Mrs. Schebler came in. (AN: That is actually my English teachers name. In fact all of Carrie's teachers are actually my teachers.) "Mr. Morgan, what are you doing here? Get to class please," Mrs. Schebler said going to her desk.

Ryder glared at her but left anyway. Not with out throwing a paper ball on my desk first though. When I looked up at the door he was already gone and Mrs. Schebler was writing the steps for The Hero's Journey on the board. While she was distracted I opened the note and it read:

'That wasn't very nice of you to kick me little one. I'll see you later and I'll be sure to punish you.


Oh shit!

My Bad Boy Alpha MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora