The Start of Something New

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I wanna thank the four or five people reading this right now, without you, no one would read my book. Share with your friends please and please vote.
Musical Influences for this chapter----
Fuck Me then Feed Me by Rendezvous at Two
Try by Pink
In For The Kill by Leroux
Lowlife by That Poppy
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time by Panic! At The Disco
Opal's POV-

As I walk to my second period class, I start to think about the wall from earlier. He looked familiar but then again everyone looks familiar to me because I don't have my glasses. I don't think I'm going to forget him. At all. He was literally perfect. He was the same height as me, liked the same bands I like (he better actually listen to that band and not wearing it because it looked cool), he wears converse and he saved me from a concussion. Where has he been all my life? I'm so conflicted right now. I want to like him but I'm not sure about that. I still don't trust guys. Maybe he can change that. Universe, please give me a sign and point me in the right direction.

As I walk in the room, I see Zelda, my ex Anthony, his group of friends, Alex's boyfriend Tommy and the school weed plug, Sean. Which guidance counselor didn't pay attention to the class selection and put all of our dysfunctional asses in the same honors civics class?! Like, you had one job.

"Hey, Opal. You really let yourself go since we broke up." Anthony and his friends just laughed in the background.
"At least I don't have herpes," I retorted, feeling this wave of confidence overcome me.

At that exact moment, our teacher walked in. Fuck my liiiiiiffffffeee!!! She looked like she could chew bricks. She was fuming.

"Opal Collins," ahhh shit here we go, "You are a young lady and ladies don't wish STI's on other students in my class. I have no choice but to give you detention!"

I wasn't even wishing herpes on him because I knew it was true. I knew that shit was going to happen. Do I care? A little, because now Alex gets to drive home and I have to walk a mile and a half in the rain. I need a drink! As I take out my binder, I find a fortune cookie at the bottom of my bag. Maybe this is my sign from the universe. I open the cookie and it said,"Love, because it's the only true adventure."


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Hmmm.... That's strange but I'll take it. As I open my textbook, I see a note. It said, "I hope the first person to see this is just as bored as I am. I would've drawn penises but I save this for Friday because Phallus sounds like Friday in my mind. But because today is Monday, I'll leave a message. I hope someone replies to this. If you want to continue this conversation, my phone number is 203-420-6996. If I see my number on the wall of the bathrooms with the words, "For a good time, call" next to it, I will literally hunt you down and shit on your doorstep. Yours truly, C.J."
As I read the note, I started to laugh and even though I tried to keep it in, the teacher caught me.

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