What I Became

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Musical Inspiration--->

Lover, Please Stay- Nothing But Thieves
Say You Love Me- Jessie Ware
Amnesia- 5 Seconds of Summer


Opal's POV--->

When I woke up the next day, I woke up on top of a mound of Kleenex, chocolate wrappers, empty Doritos bags, empty Capri Suns and some more Kleenex. After the ferris wheel incident, I looked for Zelda for about an hour and eventually, I found her and Sean aggressively making out in the woods behind the fair. At least she had a fun night. I decided that I wouldn't interrupt her, so I went looking for Tommy. He was breaking up a fight between Terri and Alex. I didn't want to bother him either so I looked for the only other friend I had; Robbie. I didn't want to bother him with my problems but last night, I just didn't care.

I caught him right before he closed down his booth and once he saw my tears, he just opened his arms to me, without any explanation. Without any hesitation whatsoever, I ran into his arms, almost knocking him over. But no matter how hard I could've pushed him, he wouldn't have fallen. I cried into his chest, sobbing erratically. He tried to console me by rubbing my back and telling me everything would be okay, even though he had no idea what happened between me and Him.

He looked down at me and said, "You don't have to tell me what's going but I'm going to take you home to make sure you're okay. Is that cool with you?"

"Robbie, I don't wanna be a bother. It's okay I'm fine," I answer, still crying like a baby.

"Opal. You're obviously not okay. I'm taking you home and I don't want to argue with you about this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Now are you gonna walk to my truck or am I gonna have to carry you?"

"Robbie, I'm too heavy for you to carry. I'm fine with walking."

"Challenge accepted," he said, scooping me up in his arms.

"You don't have to do this," I say, trying to smile.

"Oh, I think I do."

As he carried me through the parking lot, I eventually stopped crying but I still felt empty inside. I still felt the hole in my heart get bigger and bigger. When we got closer to his car, I heard Conner screaming my name. Hearing his voice triggered me so much, I started crying again. But Robbie didn't say anything. He just clenched his jaw and sat me in the passenger seat. When he got in the truck, he sped off, leaving Conner's sullen face in the rearview mirror.

We didn't say anything for most of the ride. It wasn't until my stomach started making noise that we actually started talking. Please, god. If you're out there watching me right now, don't let him hear that.

"Ooohhh. Someone's hungry. What do you want right now?"

"Robbie, you don't need to feed me. I have leftovers in the fridge."

"Nope. Now do you want Peruvian food or Chinese?"

After a long silence, I said, "Can we get both?"

"You're lucky I owe you a favor."

"What did I do for you that would give me a freebie?"

"Oh my stars! You don't remember?"

"Obviously not. Now explain, please."

"In the sixth grade, Terri was bullying me because I was a nerd so when no one was paying attention, you filled her pencil case with extra large tampons so when she went to open it, they all spilled out. That's why I owe you, Oppie."

"I remember that. But I didn't know you saw me," I say, nostalgically laughing at the memory.

"Well, I did. And after tonight, we'll be even."

"I honestly can't believe you remembered that."

"What? The fact that Terri was an ass hat since day one or you were Robin Hood without the tights for me?"

"Both," we said at the same time, laughing our asses off.

And suddenly, my mind was off of Conner.


After we finished eating our food, he drove me home. While we ate our Lomo Saltado and veggie love mein, we sat in the bed of the truck, just talking about life. We talked about everything and nothing at the same time. Our conversation eventually turned into a game of 21 Questions.

"Okay, Robbie. Who was your childhood crush?"

"Easy. It was Eve, from that movie , Eve's Bayou."

"Aww, that's so cute. Mine was Jake from American Dragon Jake Long."

"Seriously? A cartoon character?"

"Yup. Don't tell me you never thought a cartoon character was hot."

"To be honest, I had a wet dream about Raven from Teen Titans."

"No judgement. I had a wet dream about Danny Phantom."

"Now that's friggin weird."

"Hey! I didn't judge you when you told me about Raven!"

"That's because Raven was thicker than cold peanut butter. Danny Phantom is just odd."

"True shit, my friend. True shit."

"Okay, Oppie. Baddest thing you ever did?"

"The baddest thing I ever did was get caught eating chips in church."

"That's nothing compared to what I did. I put up a bunch of posters telling people to not re-elect my dad for mayor."

"Oh my God! That was you?"

"Yup. Well me and an old friend."

"Which friend?"

"Uuuuhhhhhhh..... That's not important to the story."

"Was it Sophie?" I asked, my voice faint, like a whisper.

"Yeah..... I don't try to think about her too much but she's the only girl I ever loved," he hung his head down, looking depressed.

"I'm sorry for bringing her up, Robbie. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's cool, Oppie. It's nice to hear her name once in awhile. No one ever really talks about what happened between us and Connor," he started to get nervous, "Do you know the story?"

"Not much. Do you wanna tell it to me?"

After thinking long and hard, he said, "Fuck it. What else do I have to lose"

1005 words!
Sorry I took so long to update, vote, comment and share the story please.

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