Vano Team

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I turn back around to my smug faced Grampa and gave him a glare to which he just smiled before walking past me patting me on the shoulder. I refuse to let him or those unbelievable handsome guys make me nervous and short of stamping my feet in a tantrum I need to pull it together. I take a deep breath and roll my shoulders back plastering on a smile. I'll deal with the fact I look like a hobo later but just now I just need to roll with it.

I turn around and take in the three new men sitting around the large mahogany table each with a different expression on their face but from what I can see they all have a little bit of surprise in their expressions. "Sorry about that." I say walking over to take a seat beside Grampa R sending him an eye roll.

"Gentlemen this is Victoria Anderson. Victoria this the Vano Team" Grampa R tells me as I looks at them with a smile giving them a finger wave and a "Hi. Call me Tori"

"Pleasure to meet you Victoria. I'm Jace Vano." A guy who looks around mid twenties greets me. He has short brown hair with a slight curl to it and intense honey coloured eyes. He has slight stubble on his face and dresses in a I don't care manner yet still looks good. From what I can tell he's around 6ft and has a slender body and appears to have an intense aura around him.

"Nice to me you" I tell him trying not to stare too intently into his striking eyes.

"This is Logan Romano" he says pointing to his left to the guy with a chiseled jaw and stylishly messy auburn brown hair with light blue eyes. He has broad shoulders and looks outdoorsy from his clothing choice of khaki combat trousers, v neck black tshirt and khaki green cargo jacket. I also notice leather bracelets on his wrists, a couple of rings on his fingers and some chains around his neck. He's very good looking and when he greets me his voice is like honey making my bones weak and I manage to give him a slight nod and a smile.

"And this here is Ayden Scott" Jace tells me introducing the last of his team members. He looks slightly younger than the other two with long blonde hair that comes to his shoulders. He has a cheeky smile playing on his lips and gives off a happy vibe. He has an athletic body and from the way his white tshirt hugs his torso he looks well built underneath his clothes. He's tall, possibly the tallest out of all of them and honestly has model worthy looks with his brown eyes and high cheek bones along with his flawless skin. "Hey" he greets me with a small wave that I return and a "hi"

"Well now that you have all be introduced I would like to offer you an opportunity." Grampa R states making us all sit up to look at him. "Victoria has been solo since joining the Academy and has not met the right fit for her yet and yourselves, while a fantastic team, appear to missing something and although you may not feel you need another member in your team in your eyes we have been been monitoring you and feel that a change to your dynamics might be exactly what you need to give you the edge you have been looking for." He say looking around at all of us and I suppress the eye roll I have building up at the fact that he thinks this will work out.

"What are the terms?" Jace asks leaning back in his chair looking between Grampa R and myself and I have an urge to give him the finger for the look he gave me as he studied me. I take it I'm not what he was expecting.

"There are no terms except the three month trial period that you should follow as always. All we ask is that you carry out assignments together and get to know each other and if at the end of that term you do not feel it is a good fit then you go back to how you were" Grampa R states leaning back in his chair with his hands templed with a slight smug look on his face that I only usually see when he thinks he is going to win.

"And I take it that goes for me as well? if I do not feel that it's working I can walk away?" I ask wanting to ensure that I get a choice in all of this and don't have to stay with them because it's three against one.

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