Everybody needs help sometime.

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I wake up feeling a new sense of determination and decide to give the Vanlo Team a real chance, well one member in particular will be my main focus but as a whole I think it would be a good idea to try and get the team back to where they use to be and wether that included me or not in the end would remain to be seen but I feel that by focusing on them instead of me will help me not focus on where the hell I am going in life! How I'm going to do that is something I haven't worked out yet but I decide to go with my usual style of "winging it" and if all else fails I will pester the life out of them until they do what I need.

I get dressed in light blue denim cut offs, a white gypsy top and my converse before braiding my hair again and adding some light make up and bracelets not wanting to put any more effort than I usually would when heading out despite the gorgeous men I will be coming in to contact with in that house. Tori... rein it in!

I pull up outside the Vanlo Team home and kill the engine. It's only ten in the morning but if they are anything like me usually then they will still be in bed. I take a moment to try and think where to start but it's giving me a headache even trying to decide where to begin, so like my previous thoughts I decide to just go with the flow, take my time to get to know them, complete assignments, try and patch their team up and then get out. It's not that I don't want to be part of their team, I mean I don't even know them apart from their good looks to be able to judge if we would be a good fit or not but it's more important to not focus on me and keep my feelings and emotions under wraps.

Deciding I've sat outside looking like a stalker for long enough I climb out my car and head for the front door. I knock the door but after a couple of minutes no one answers so I knock again and again but no answer. I look around and see that there are cars in the drive so someone must be home. Deciding to investigate I walk past the living room window following the path to the side of the house and open the gate. Walking round I can hear splashing and notice someone in the pool.

The back garden is beautiful with an Olympic size pool surrounded by paths and forest, a sunken BBQ pit is off to the left, a hot tub outside the back door and there appears to be a pool house to the right of the pool. Someone climbing out the pool draws my attention back to the reason for being here as I watch Ayden pull himself up the side of the pool. Holy shitballs! He's stunning!

I watch as he morning sunlight bounces off his abs and watch as a stray droplet runs down his stomach towards his dangerously low hanging trunks. When I reach them I realise that I am standing staring and snap my eyes up to his face as he send me a little smile. Did he catch me? Definitely caught me? Trying to tell myself he didn't I decide to act natural. "Morning!" I shout walking towards him. He pulls the towel away from his face and his face lights up more with an amazing smile and waves towards me pulling his blonde hair into a messy bun on top of his head. Really... can he get any hotter?

"Well look who's up early!" He says wrapping the towel around his shoulders. "I thought you would of been the kind of girl to sleep in later turning day into night" he says laughing picking up his tshirt walking towards me.

"You guessed right actually" I say laughing "but I'm trying to change my ways" I tell him sitting at the outside table and watch as he sits down next to me. "You always up early? I actually thought you would be like me"

"I couldn't sleep" he says pulling his hair out running his fingers through it, the highlights glinting in the sunshine making me want to run my own hands through it what?? No I don't!

"Oh" is all I manage to get out when I realise the direction my mind is wandering.

"Yea, just a few things running around in my head that I couldn't shake" he says with a blush colouring his cheeks. "Anyway, do you want some breakfast?" He asks standing up abruptly looking awkward rubbing his arm. "Logan will be out for most of the day on a shoot and Jace is at the school so won't be back until after four and Jack, well, he won't probably come out his room" he tells me and I notice the sadness in his eyes. I want to ask more but don't want to push my luck.

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