Many talents

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Ayden made a pouty face at me at Jace's information pretending to cry and Logan appeared to be trying to piece a puzzle together in his head looking between me and the way Jace went. "What?" I ask him taking another piece of pizza. May as well stock up on food. Could be a long night.

"It's nothing." Logan tells me with a small smile and a shake of his head but I'm not buying it.

"Out with it." I tell him cocking an eyebrow at him. "No secrets remember" I say trying to sound stern making Ayden smirk at Logan who answers me with a smirk of his own and a small laugh.

"It's not a secret" he starts coming to sit beside me taking another slice of his pizza. "It's more an observation." He states taking a bite and I give him a and expression to get him to continue. "A stakeout isn't really Jace's usual role, that's all"

"What do you mean? Everyone in the Academy is trained for any situation" I ask him while watching Ayden strip his T-shirt over his head and try my hardest not to outright ogle him as he saunters over to hop up on the counter to my left. I turn to look at him trying to pretend I'm only just noticing him but his answering wink and flex of his peck tells me he saw me. I laugh rolling my eyes and turn my attention back to Logan who is watching me with a blush to his cheeks. I don't know why so decide to take another bite and gesture for him to answer.

"Oh, well, he's more a behind the scenes kinda guy. You know, debriefs, counselling, paperwork, safehouse appointment etc. He's not usually out on the field all that much" he tells me with a shrug and I find myself filing that information about the team away.

"So what are you guys roles?" I ask trying to get an idea of their make up.

"I usually do evidence building, recon, stake outs and if needed, recovery" Logan explains looking thoughtful. "I blend, undercover, recovery but also spot light through my modelling so can get into some hard to reach places with my face" He says framing it and fluttering his eyelashes making me laugh. "Or my body" he says sliding his hand down his abs winking at me. I huff at him and roll my eyes but feel my body flush.

"Ok Mr vain!" I laugh out "What about Jack?" I ask and see them both tense. "What?"

"It not anything bad. Just thinking about the last time he was active makes me remember" is the only explanation Ayden gives me as Logan nods in agreement. "He is, was?" He says shaking his head and looking back at me from the window. "He does combat training, self defence, weapons and was active on the field specifically in infiltration and retrieval." That makes sense considering he was injured on the job and I squeeze his hand closest to me making him look to me with a weak smile.

"Men of many talents in this team" I say with a wink to Ayden and turn to Logan taking my hand back and smile at him. "I've got a lot to work with you lot" I say with a small laugh and pat his thigh in a supportive gesture but find myself leaving my hand on his firm thigh. I see his eyes blaze as he watches me and my body heats. I lean towards him a fraction for whatever reason he pulls me in and need to snap myself out of it but can't seem to find a way to stop our eye contact. I can see him trying to read me but there's other emotions and thoughts passing his face and one I notice out of all of them is his hunger and I feel it replicated in me but why? I don't react like this to men. I try to stop this. The only other guy to get through my defenses is Anders and the thought of him seems to be what pulls me back.

I give another pat to his thigh trying to make this less awkward and lift my hand away quickly this time and practically stuff a slice of pizza in my mouth and look away from Logan. My phone burns in my pocket to call Anders and meet him but I told myself that it's not happening anymore. I can't give us what he, I want. I crave his comfort and friendship but I know the night would end with both our clothes on the floor and my mind a jumble. Especially now that Ayden and Logan have caught my attention. No! I need to give this team a shot not the men in it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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