Chapter 3: Sights From Above

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Encre POV:
I walked wide eye-socketed, through the outstanding nature and scenery, mumbling under my breath in French because Simon wouldn't stop to let me paint any of it!

??? POV:
I was flying just above the trees when I heard people's voices, my mind was telling me "do it do it do it" but my heart said "I swear to fallacy don't you dare!!"

I decided to ignore my heart and father's rules because I was curious, plus father needs to meet someone new! I don't care if they turn out a friend, enemy or even a wife/husband he needs to meet someone new....

Encré POV:
"Did you hear that?" Simon exclaimed, stopping abruptly. "No.... What did you hear...?" Orion asked, speaking for the first time since we left the comfort of our tiny village.

"It was some sort of shuffle....." Simon replied in a whisper, clearly trying to get the message across that we had to whisper.... At that point I was also quite sure that I saw some sort of young child in the bushes but in the end I had just shrugged it off and thought it was just my overactive imagination.

???'s POV

I saw some travelers passing by, and I noticed that they didn't have fangs!! I was shocked because Suave said mortals don't come into our forest but aparrently he was wrong!

To me one stood out from the rest, he had mostly brown and a cream-ish sort of colour clothing and a eye with a star in it ( incased in cyan) and one completely cyan eye, both of them seemed to glisten in the bright moonlight. Black ink was smeared across one of his cheeks and overall he looked pretty healthy too!!!

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