Chapter 4:A Time Worth Forgetting

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???? POV
I managed to follow the three travellers all the way to where they were they were sleeping plus I hardly got burned!! My plan was to sneak into their tent and then get them in their sleep but that backfired...

Encré POV
It was around 1:00 am and I had just been staring at the wall for the whole night, I kept hearing rustling for the bushes close to my tent. To be utterly honest I thought it was a fox or something but I guess I was paranoid that it could be something supernatural and I was sure to soon find out.

????'s POV
I heard one of the morals come out of their tent thingy and move to somewhere,at this moment I was extremely confused because I assumed that mortals slept through the night but I anyway one of them came out of their tent and went somewhere.....

Encré POV
I had dived behind a bush as someone was there I'm not sure who but it definitely wasn't orion or Simon. I crept up behind it but it noticed me!!

Nobody POV
"ARGHHH!!!!!" Encré screamed. "ARGHHHHH!!!!" The thing screamed. Who or what are you!!!Show yourself properly!! Encré shouted. The figure stepped into the moonlight and it was a child?? They smiled an Encré noticed they had fangs!!He tried to run,but they grabbed him and flew away...

(Hi! So sorry I haven't updated in ages Ive been busy with school and things but Im working on chapter 5 at the moment so that'll come soon))

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