Chapter 52: The Power of One Heart

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"Scatter!" David shouts, fumbling to find his sword. He grabs Snow's hand and runs back towards town.

Emma pulls me to my feet and we move away from the real dogfight happening on the edge of Storybrooke. My heart is in overdrive with agony. I watch my fiance fight like a vicious monster with his fellow wolves. There's so much fur and blood I can't tell who's winning.

"We have to find cover!" Hook says. "There's no way we can handle those beasts." 

We race to follow the others, but I'm still hesitant to leave. Emma has to practically drag me along.

Once we reach a sheltered place to regroup, we turn to one another.

"Is there any way we can put another barrier up?" Snow asks.

"It'll take too long," Rumpel says. "Plus with the power Filtiarn has, he will undoubtedly break it again even if we do."

"He wants us to die at the hands of Mason," Henry says.

"He's basically setting us up to become chew toys," Regina states. 

"Is there any way we can stop him?" Robin asks.

"I don't think so," my father says gravely. My heart sinks into my stomach. "Even Filtiarn says he can't control him. He's too far gone. He's basically a rabid, wild animal."

Like Cujo on steroids, I think. I turn to see Mason still battling the wolves, he's on top of a golden brown one which I think is Eyolf. It's a stab in the heart to see him like this. The smaller wolf, which I assume is Fillin, jumps onto Mason's back and bites down hard. I gasp and turn away.

"There has to be another way," Snow says. I notice that she's been watching me the whole time and she understands the pain I'm going through, watching my true love suffer. Like this.

"Well we can't just wait for him to calm down, he'll destroy the town and kill innocent people," Regina says.

"He's never going to calm down, Filtiarn said that all it takes for a wolf to never return is the push over the edge." David sighs. "And that push was threatening Crystal's life."

"Now he threatens all of our lives," Killian says.

"Our options are slowly dwindling," my father says.

I can't believe what I'm hearing and I know where they're going with this. They want to kill Mason to protect the town.

"I hate you all!" I lash out angrily. "There's always another way, that's what heroes do and here you are thinking about killing him!"

"Crystal..." Emma says.

"Don't 'Crystal' me," I say angrily.

"There's no other option.  He can't be reasoned with,  he's not Mason anymore. He's just an animal now."

Tears burn my eyes and it feels like my heart is being crushed by Rumpelstiltskin or the Evil Queen. They're all giving up on him. They intend to leave me without my love and my children without a father. My mind begins to throb in push anger and the familiar pressure of my magic building up is felt in my body. It's been awhile since I've felt this angry at anyone, and these are the people I care most about. They're the ones who are supposed to help me, make me feel calm, but it's becoming too much. I do understand their desire to protect the town, but I love Mason and I can't give him up just like that. I doubt a trip to the Underworld could save him. Emma and Killian were lucky, but I've never been fortunate like that.

"Why do you even try to be heroes if you just give up like that?! Henry never gave up on Regina to change, Emma never gave up on Hook, Belle didn't give up on my dad, you all didn't give up on Emma when she was the Dark One and neither of you gave up on Gideon." I point at my father and step-mother. "But now you intend to give up on me when I need you most?!"

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