1.13 - Swim in the cold

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Once I finished talking to my father, I decided that I had to take Cara away immediately. She was no where safe in this city. I walked out to see her sitting on the ground with her head in her knees. Concerned, I bent down and stroked her hair.

"Cara, you alright?" I asked her and she looked up.

"Just tired." she mumbled.

"Let's go then." I said as I carried her up again.

"Where are we going?" She asked softly.

"Away." I whispered. That was all I could tell her yet. I had got Jess to pack Cara a small bag of clothes and other girl necessities. I had my backpack with me for my necessities and I guessed that we were ready to be on the run for a while.

I placed Cara in the passenger seat this time and made my way over to the driver's seat.

"Cara, put on your seat belt." I ordered a little harshly.

She frowned at me and then put her seat belt on. I started the engine and pulled out of our car park. Cara turned on the radio and put on a stupid radio channel. Annoyed by the voice, I quickly turned it off. She put it on again, and I turned it off.

"What is your problem?" She asked angrily.

"Maybe you haven't noticed that I've been trying to drive without having to listen to your shitty music!" I screamed at her.

"You know what, if you're going to turn into a jerk again, then I don't want to be in this car with you." She said as she started taking her seat belt off.

"What the hell are you doing?" I questioned.

"Getting out." She snarled. "Pull over." she ordered as she pulled the steering wheel to her side, trying to make me get off the road.

I had to come to a abrupt halt and I was more than furious.

"Just get lost then!" I told her as she opened the door and walked out of the car. There really wasn't any place for her to go so I didn't exactly figure out what she was doing.

I sighed deeply and looked at my rear view mirror to see her walking away. I grumped as I got out of the car to follow her.

"Cara. Get back in" I ordered her angrily.

"Fuck off, Nathan." She sniffled and that's when I realised that she was crying.

"Cara.. Please" I softened my tone. She stopped in her path and turned to look at me.

"You're nothing but a jerk! Everything I thought of you was wrong! You can never change." She spoke sadly. I stepped closer to her, but she stepped back.

"Like I said, I don't expect you to like me!" I told her sternly.

"But that night! You were soooo caring and sooo different. Why did you do that to me?" She cried as she grabbed onto my shirt.

"I already told you." I told her as I looked away, not wanting to face any eye-contact.

"To get a 'good shag'?" She asked with the quotation marks. I looked at her and noticed the ever-growing sadness in her eyes and realised I was the reason for all of that.

"We don't have time for this, we need to go." I told her. But she didn't listen. Her hand went around me, under my jacket as she rested her head against my chest.

"I know you're different! If that night meant nothing to you, you wouldn't have saved me from your father. And it wouldn't have been so special." She whispered into my chest. I slowly pushed her off.

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