2.19 - Losing you

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Nathan and I set off to go meet Amira as today was the day to decide on our plan. We had to keep our meeting quite private and away from my father's moles. Hence why we had to meet up at a restaurant that was situated in the middle of nowhere.

The place looked slightly isolated from far but as we neared it we noticed the immense amount of dodgy people surrounding it.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"A place where your father wouldn't search for us." He told me as he got out. I followed him and stepped out only to be hit by the disgusting air that was surrounding that place.

"Come on." He spoke as he intertwined our fingers and took me into the restaurant. I wasn't very pleased at the way the people were staring at me and by Nathan's actions of pulling me closer to him, I could tell that he wasn't either.

From a distance, I saw Amira sat at a table in an isolated area. A small smile formed on my face as I saw her. She stood up and Nathan went over and hugged her first. She then walked over to me and hugged me.

"Hello!" She chimed as we all took a seat.

"So, Nathan. You said you wanted to talk." She started as she stared at him. I frowned at him clearly hurt by the fact that he didn't tell me that he 'wanted to talk'.

"I think I know what we have to do." He began and I looked at him confused.

"Nath-" Amira spoke up.

"I'm going to the secret service to hand in the evidence." He blurted out and my eyes widened almost instantly.

"No." I shook my head vigourously.

"Yes. It's the only way." He sighed not making eye contact with me.

"Do you have a death wish? Everyone in that office could be working for my father by now!" I exclaimed. "They won't think twice to shoot you in the head!"

"I know someone. My father does. He could help us!"

"Could? Nathan, 'could' is not good enough! You have to see sense! They're going to kill you!" I asserted angrily.

"Then so be it!" He exclaimed as he harshly hit the table, startling both me and Amira who was suspiciously quite this whole time. I looked at her face to read it and realized she knew of this plan already.

"Y-you knew?" I stuttered, staring at her.

She looked down refusing to make eye contact and nodded.

"Great!" I muttered sarcastically with the pain evident in my voice.

"Anything else you two want to surprise me with?" I asked with a cold laugh.

"There's a second part to this plan. I don't think the evidence will be enough." Amira spoke up.

"Maybe we should get through the first before Cara knows the second!" Nathan gritted his teeth at her in a threatening voice. I, myself was extremely scared at the death glare he was giving her.

This was me seeing the old Nathan once again. How very nice. Not!

*40 minutes later*

Nathan was storming out of the diner with me following him, clearly not happy with the decisions that he has ignorantly made.

"You can't do that!" I scolded him.

"Cara, I've told you. You don't tell me what to do." He replied rudely. I grabbed hold of his hand and turned him around.

"Nathan, please! You know that I can't let you do this." I told him with a calmer tone.

"I have to do this. I'm sorry." He replied as he pulled his hand out of mine.

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