1.19 - 'She'll never believe'

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Later on that night, I felt Nathan shaking me to wake me up from my deep sleep.

"Cara!" He panicked as he shook me vigorously.

"Nath" I mumbled groggily.

"Cara, my stomach. It hurts!" He cried.

"What?" I uttered, scared that something was wrong.

"Cara, the bullet wound. It's killing me." He grunted in pain. I swiftly sat up and pressed the emergency button to call the doctor.

A doctor and a nurse came running in and I desperately explained the scenario to them. I was asked to leave the room as they checked him.

After the longest 15 minutes, I was called back in, with Nathan looking quite drugged.

"His incision opened up. And I think that was what was causing him pain. We've stitched it back and given him a couple of anaesthetics. He should get ok soon." The doctor explained and I nodded.

The nurse and the doctor departed and I looked at Nathan who was smiling at me.

He patted his bed and I shook my head at him.

"Never happening." I sternly told him.

"Sweetie, it was just one small incident."

"The way you were crying, it didn't seem like one small incident."

"Ok, I promise. This time nothing will happen."

"Go to sleep Nathan." I told him angrily as I shut off the lights.

I went a corner of the room and sat down on the floor before pulling my knees to my chest.

A few minutes later I heard light snores coming off Nathan's side and I was happy that he got some sleep. I needed him to leave the hospital soon, and get better on his own.

Hours passed as I tried falling asleep on the cold, hard floor. But nothing was working for me that night. It was all just the biggest disaster ever.

Soon the sun started rising and the nurse came in to check on Nathan.

"Hey, you could have always asked for an extra bed." She whispered as she noticed me on the ground.

"Oh it's alright. I'm not sleepy anymore." I replied and she smiled before going over to Nathan. She touched his hand to check something and he reacted instantly by almost hitting her. His whole gesture freaked the nurse out and she looked at him angrily. I chuckled in the corner of the room because he looked like a little girl who had been woken up from a bad dream.

The nurse checked everything and wrote down somethings in her notepad before making an exit.

"What the hell did she want?" He grumped angrily.

"It's her job Nathan." I sighed quite annoyed by him.

"What's with that tone?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"I suppose you'll be more helpful out there than in here!"

"Fine!" I huffed as I stood up and made my way to the door.

" No Cara-" Nathan began but I cut him off by slamming the door shut. I made my way to one of the waiting room chairs and sat there before running my hands through my hair. I was so tired and I had barely slept. And Nathan was doing my head in. He behaved like a little, annoying, spoilt child.

But then I realised that he took a shot to save my life, and I owed it to him to keep him happy. I sighed loudly before making my way back to his room.

Hearts Can Heal || Nathan SykesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang