Jake BVB Imagine

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Kristine's P.O.V

The doorbell rang as soon as I was about to read The Difference Between Destiny and Fate, a book I want to start on for a while now. I opened up the door and saw a guy from Sammi's Pizza standing there. [ haha get the reference? No? Ok, :( ]

"That will be 11.25 mam," he said with a smile.

Just the Jake, my boyfriend of six months rushed down the stairs. He had about 15 dollars worth of cash in his hand. He snatched the pizza and gave the guy his money. Jake dashed to the kitchen. I heard the banging of plates as he scrabbled for one without a stain on it.

"Sorry about him," I apologized to the man, "He's a little, what's the word? Oh yeah, starving."

" Since he NEVER GET'S FED LIKE EVER IN THIS WHOLE WORLD!" I emphasized loudly.

"That's ok!" the guy replied cheerfully, "It's nice to see people enjoy our product so much!"

I closed the door and locked both locks. I was about to walk away when I heard a scream from the guy outside.

"You forgot your change!" he yelled.

"Keep it!" I yelled back.

I walked into the kitchen to find 3 slices already eaten by Jake! He was working on a fourth!

"Beaver's dam Jake!" I said a little to loudly.

"You -est come -et -ome!" he shouted with his mouth full.

I quickly grabbed the biggest one that was left of the 4 slices. Once I did I took a huge bite. Jake scowled at me.

"What?" I asked him after I swallowed the bite of pizza.

"That was a big slice," he replied, "I wanted that one."

"All is fair pizza and war!" I smirked.

"THEN IT'S WAR!" he shouted.

I dropped the pizza slice as soon as I heard him say those words. I ran upstairs and locked my self in our bedroom.

I didn't hear anything for a while, that is until, I heard footsteps coming up the steps slowly.

"Let me in!" Jake shouted as he twisted the door knob to see if it was locked, "I have a paper clip that could unlock the door!"

For pizza, we were taking this way too far. I unlocked the door and Jake came in running, then he hopped on the bed, shocking me.

"I'm tired," he said sleepy, "you can have the last 2 slices."

"Did you just say that you were tired enough NOT to eat pizza?!" I asked him.

"No," he relied sarcastically, " I said pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows."

I giggled and ran downstairs. I got a large Ziplock bag from a drawer, and I put the slices away because I wasn't in the mood for pizza in the first place. In fact, I wasn't really that hungry at all.

When I went back upstairs and walked into the bedroom, I found a sleeping Jake Pitts.

I walked over and whispered in his ear, "Goodnight my pizza monster!"

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