School Bombing with 9TH?!

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(L/F/C) least favourite colour.

Tell me again, why would I help you bomb a school?!" I questioned. "Well since you're my ally you need to help me." Uryuu stated. "How are my friends going to forgive me?!" I frantically asked. "Well you need a disguise. School starts in about 2 hours." Uryuu said. She opened a drawer that has (different hair colour) hair wig and (different eye color) contacts. Uryuu told me to pick an outfit I wouldn't usually wear.

It was a (l/f/c) crop top with very short shorts..... to be honest it kinda looked slutty. But I wore it anyway. I was pretty skilled in putting makeup and contoured it to look like I was a different person." Have a plan to get out if you fail? First and Second are there right?" I ask Uryuu.

"No...But we need to be quick otherwise *BOOM*"she said opening her closed fist.

"I'll remember that..." I say.

Oh! That boom thing wasn't from me! It was from Saraez_1243! I hope i got that right!

Uryuu dressed as a maid. Just like Levi....Bwahahahaha I REGRET NOTHING!!!

====Time Skip====

We arrived, I felt everyone's eyes staring at me.....

"Damn! She's hot!" I hear a guy say,

"She's fake I know it." I hear a girl say to a girl.

Uryuu sent me here to distract the students after what felt like 5 minutes Uryuu texted me and said it was done.

"Omg! That girl is so fake!"

"She's plastic!"

"She's probably a slut!" I hear the girls mock me

(Sorry if this offends you. But just wait ;) )

"Hey baby? Wanna come at my house? If you know what I mean?" The creep winked at me.

"Hey girl? Do you have a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can see me in your pants." Another creep said to me.

After the girls saying I was fake and the creeps trying to hit on me I walk in the middle of the courtyard. While everybody was in before class. Uryuu went to First or Yuki and Second or Yuno.

Also the Uh..... chapter was just for funsies!

When she jumped out of the window I caught her and then she pulled out a megaphone.

"HEY EVERYONE! NICE TO SEE YOU TOO!" I say in a different voice to mine to the girls who say I was fake.

"SHE'S SO FAKE HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Most of the girls not the shy ones say.

"LETS.SEE.WHO.IS.FAKE!" I remarked.

"OH IS SHE A WHORE NOW?!" They shouted at me.

I nod to Uryuu.

"You better take that back." I spat

"What are you gonna do become a prostitute?" My Enemy me said, she probably switched schools.




"SAYONARA YOU BITCHES!!!" I shout while they explode. Everybody look at me by surprise. " You think I was oblivious to that?!" I say." Let's just make everybody go boom..." I said like venom. Everybody pleaded to me. Not Uryuu of course.
"Unless......" I started everybody shot up listening. "You bring us Yukiteru Amano!" I shouted. Everybody was on the look for Amano. I know what Second is capable. I've been a witness countless times. That girl is a Yandere!

I whispered to Uryuu and warned her that second will come after her as soon as she has First. And we saw First.

"Sorry Dude! But I want to live!" A boy says

Just on cue Second jumped on of the window as Uryuu grabbed his phone. Taking the advice i told her she dodged it.
I grab a gun which randomly fell from the story. (4th wall is on the breach of breaking!) she looks in her diary. She had a dead end. Yuno was directing Yukki to Uryuu but I was to late his darts pointed at her eye.

"SHIITTTT!!!" Uryuu screamed and drops a bomb. More like farted haha.

She used her Escape Diary and I escaped with her to my house. We changed everything I went to my normal looks while Uryuu wore a blonde wig. She tucked her maid outfit under the drawer.

I treated her eye. I don't know how to fix it but I just made it so it wouldn't be infected.

I made her lunch and ate it with her. "Fourth wants me to go with him." Uryuu said. "I don't have a dead end." She continued. "Well, see you later (n/n)." Uryuu said. She left the door. "Also thanks for lunch I owe you one." She smiled and went out.

News report.

**Girl blows up school!

**Masses of students dead!

These news reporters are really annoying.

I pull a twisted smile on my face.

"I guess....." I say

"I should really..."

"Kill them!" And held a knife in my hand.

"Hehehe" i giggle.

"Hahahaha!" My voice getting higher


See you soon reader! I wink at the screen. 100 of people I see and increasing.

Bye! I saw holding the knife. And winking.


I really want a goal of 100 readers! But anyway......

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