I can hear the heart breaking as one

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Norma was standing near the sink, one of her hands placed on her lower belly. Running water from the tap could be heard behind as she was trying to regain her breath back. After staying like that for a few minutes, she shook her head as if trying to get that weird feeling out of her mind, turning around to finish doing the dishes.

Alex unplugged the tv in the living room, lifting it from where it was sitting on the small table and carrying it to the bedroom. There was this old wooden dresser, a perfect place to put it down, with a socket near. He then brought a dvd player, quickly setting it all up as he also wanted to take a shower just before they watch the movie. After finishing up, all devices were now ready, old but gold "the Searchers" in the player, he was ready to wash away day's weariness in a quick shower.

As the warm water was coming down his naked body, he felt his mind wander to the dangerous places. He somehow let his thought slip, thinking of her. Her naked body against his, the feel of her warm flesh pressed up against him. Even though he had only touched her a few times, skin to skin, he knew how soft and youthful her skin was. He usually tried to push these kind of thought out of his head but now, since this woman was currently living with him under the same roof, it became almost impossible at times. He could sense her everywhere: his sheets, blankets, towels, even some of his clothes. His whole house was now soaked up with the sweet scent of her. He wasn't used to having someone around all the time and he always thought it would drive him mad. But he wasn't hating it. More like the opposite, he liked having her around. Today when he had went to work, the idea of having her waiting for him to come back felt thrilling. Almost pleasant. It was something to look forward to after a long shift at work.

He stepped out of the shower, after a good attempt of trying to wash off today's stress and all those confusing thoughts he kept pushing away. Looking around the bathroom he remembered he had forgot to bring a new pair of clothes to change to.

She did the last of the cleaning in the kitchen, still feeling the ghost of his lips on her cheek. They had been so soft against her. It had been painfully short, the smooth feeling of him so close to her. 'Jesus, Norma, it just was his way to thank you for dinner. What are you, a third grade schoolgirl? He was just grateful for a good meal.' she scolded herself mentally, still not helping to feel happy about what had happened. She never thought of Alex, the sheriff bulldog, as someone who would show his thanks in this way. Well maybe in the end, the dinner was actually really good.

Norma took the last look around the kitchen, giving herself a small nod, confirming it was all clean. It looked like someone had never sat a foot in that kitchen before. She walked to the bedroom, opening the half closed door.

"Hey, is it rea-" the last word was half stuck in her throat as she saw him. Alex, standing near the opened drawer, clearly looking for something to wear as all he had on him was a white towel wrapped around his waist.

"Norma-" he started in a warning voice, holding a plaid shirt in his hands.

"Oh shit! Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't know- you could have told me you were getting dressed." she stammered, blushing lightly, looking somewhere else but him. "Ok, I-I'm just gonna take a quick shower myself till you...finish here or whatever." she said in a hurried voice, quickly walking to the bathroom, her gaze set straight trying not to look at him.

She locked herself in there, letting out a sigh of relief. The heart was still shaking in her chest. This was the last thing she needed right now, seeing him like that. Those stupid dreams she had no control over were vivid enough themselves and she didn't need any more visual stimulation. As much as she tried not to look, Norma still managed to catch a glimpse of his broad, muscular shoulders and well-toned abs. Of course she knew the man was well built, you could see it even through his sheriff's uniform, his powerful looking biceps always straining against the khaki shirt. She let out another breath, trying to calm her thoughts down and just stop thinking of it. She can't do this right now. She's staying at his place and he is waiting just behind the bathroom door and she can't let her mind wander to those risky places. At least not now. She needed to get that image out of her head somehow.

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