May 2 2017

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Right now in America people are worried because Donald Trump has once again made some comments that someone Americans find disturbing. These comments are that a government shutdown should of happened. He also said that he was willing to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un under the right circumstances. North Korea says that the U.S is provoking it towards nuclear war due to recent military training exercises with South Korea. Hillary Clinton is blaming Russian hackers and misogyny for her loss in the 2016 presidential election. Also yesterday a stabbing happened at University of Texas leaving one dead and injured three others.

On the lighter side of things a Finnish brewery is selling a pack of beer with 1,000 cans. That should make any night interesting. And as we all know not the best week for airlines. This week will probably boost private airplane sales through the roof.

In Russia suspicions are on Russian President Vladimir Putin after a long list of people have died under mysterious circumstances. The list includes high profile critics, diplomats, Kremlin power brokers, and military or political leaders involved in Ukraine. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had also urged Putin to intervene in the sever lack of LBGTQ+ rights in Russia. This is due to the recent news of Chechen police torturing gay men.

Tensions are running high in France due to round two of the presidential elections coming up. Yesterday protesters all over France went out and made their voices heard. There were protests against both French presidential candidates far right leader Marine Le Pen and centralist Emmanuel Macron. If Le Pen wins she would like to follow in England's footsteps and leave the EU.

England's Brexit negotiations are on going and Prime Minister Theresa May says she will be "bloody difficult" while negotiating. That will be if she remains Prime Minister after the general elections in June.

Canada is still being a great role model for the rest of the world. You go Canada.

That's all for tonight I have to go. If you have any questions, story's, or criticism feel free to tell me. I would love to hear suggestions from you guys because that's who I'm writing for. My main goal here is to keep you informed. Till tomorrow goodbye.

Updated due to a misspelling of a persons name.  It has been fixed.

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