May 3 2017

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     To start off today the French presidential candidates had their last debate before the second round of voting on Sunday. A major thing that was pointed out in the debate was Le Pens "French-first" policy's.  Last time a candidate said "Country-first" their first 100 days didn't go to well.  Both candidates have taken stabs at each other Le Pen called Macron a "darling of the system."  Macron said Le Pen strategy "is to lie."  Both are trying to win over the undecided voters which is at 18%.  Right now Macron is in the lead.

     In America a 1.1 trillion dollar deal has been made to keep the government running till September.  The bill does not include money for Trump's border wall nor does it take away funding from Planned Parenthood.  On Thursday House Republicans plan to vote for repealing and replacing Obamacare.  In Florida mosquitoes laced with bacteria are being released to combat the spread of the Zika virus.

     In Australia land of kangaroos and spiders the size of your head journalists are protesting due to job cuts.  A woman named Mina Guli is running 40 marathons in 40 day on 6 continents.  She is doing the running to raise awareness to water conservation. 

     In Canada a group of high schoolers have canceled a trip to the U.S.  They said the trip was canceled due to President Trumps immigration policies.  When Canada is saying their worried you should really take a step back and think am I doing something wrong.  Chances are you may be.

     On China's restricted internet certain sites are unable those sites include Wikipedia.  So to deal with this China is making its own state run site.  Unlike Wikipedia it will not be able to be edited by anyone.  It will feature over 300,000 entries about a 1,000 words each.  Russia is also working on an alternative Wikipedia too.

     Time for me is running short so I'm going to have to cut it off here.  Would be more but I got a nosebleed about half way through and that took up time.  Will update tomorrow until then goodbye.


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