~ Chapter 2 ~

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Natsuki yawned as she looked at the blackboard, bored. The teacher wrote away on the board as the other students copied it down to use as notes. She glanced over to Araki, Natsuhiko, Ren, Tomoya and finally, Gakushuu Asano. She sighed to herself as she watched Ono-sensei talk away about math equations. I wonder if Natsumi has made any progress on her job yet.... I bet she's having more fun than I am.... I would kill to have a piece of pocky at the moment... She droned in her mind, her mind sounding as lazy as her voice. Oh wait, I'm an assassin - screw that then....

She leaned back on her chair, her eyes on the ceiling now instead at the front of the class. Ono-sensei was completely aware she wasn't paying attention. However, he knew how smart she was and no matter how much it seemed she wasn't paying attention, her knowledge differentiated itself from her lack of attention.

It was lunchtime now, and Natsuki was looking at the ceiling like usual as a piece of pocky hand in her mouth like a cigarette. "Natsuki," the black faded to grey haired girl glanced over to see her friend, Gakushuu.

Her ponytailed hair swung to the side slightly as she sat properly on her seat. "Do you need something, Gakushuu?"

The strawberry-blonde-haired boy pulled up a seat and sat down, "I'm wondering about your sister, what really happened to make your sister get into E Class?"

"Don't know, don't care," Natsuki replied, noticing the shocked look on her friends face. "Is that all you wanted to ask?"

"N-no. You seemed to be zoning out a lot more lately."

"Isn't that normal?" Natsuki asks.

"I mean, a lot more than usual. Is something on your mind?" Gakushuu asks.

Natsuki looks at him before looking at the roof, "No, not really. Just bored is all."

"Aren't you always bored?" Natsuki thinks about it.


Gakushuu chuckles at her answer before turning serious again. "Do you want your sister to come back?"

Natsuki thinks about it.

"I want to transfer to E Class," Natsuki raised an eyebrow. "I want to, you know, do that recent thing that Mother and Father told us about before."

Natsuki said "I see....."

"And I would like to do it on my own, so please don't try to help me!" Natsumi said with determination.

The girl shook her head. "Natsumi can come back on her own two feet - she doesn't need help," Natsuki stated, her eyes closed as she nibbled her pocky. "If she keeps depending on people all the time, she won't get anywhere in life," besides, she needs to learn that there isn't a problem with working with other people. If she can't learn that, she'll never be a good assassin.

"Sometimes, I think you're too wise," Gakushuu commented before standing up. "But if that's what you want, I won't do anything about it."

Natsuki pointed out, looking at Gakushuu from the corner of her eye "I don't know why you should care - you've never been that close to Natsumi anyway."

Gakushuu diverted her eyes from her, "No reason. I just thought I would do a favour for a friend is all."

"Which one?"

"Remind me why you're the smart one out of us two," Natsuki shrugged.

"I was joking," you didn't sound like it, Gakushuu thought to himself, sweat-dropping.

Gakushuu fake-coughed, "No matter, I was just trying to pay back my debt from a few years ago. I don't like owing people."

"Whatever you say, Gakushuu," strange considering you owed me for quite a few years now, oh well, not like I care.

"How is the job going, Natsumi?" Natsuki asks her younger sister as she sat on the couch in the living room.

Natsumi turned depressed in a matter of second before going bright again, "It's going great, Natsuki! No need to worry about me! I should be able to kill him soon, so no worries! You don't need to transfer to E Class for anything, hehehe!" she's clearly lying, but there's no point arguing with her.

"I see, Natsumi. I'm glad you're doing well."

"Natsuki! It's time to train! Get your ass down here!" A loud, booming voice was heard from below.

Natsuki sighed and stands up. She was wearing a black tracksuit set of clothes, clearly, she knew that it was going to happen. "Looks like father wants me. I'll talk to you later, Natsumi."

"Ok, Natsuki."

The older twin made her way down the stairs and towards the dojo training room. She slid the Japanese door open, revealing a black-haired man that had his hair tied into a ponytail and wearing a white dojo-like outfit. "Good, you've arrived, Natsuki. We will begin with training then."

"Understood," and she stood in a judo stance.

Then, training began.

Natsuki huffed tiredly as she laid on the wooden boards, sweat trailing down her face and her breathing heavy. Her eyes were closed as her father looked at her, not as tired as his daughter but he was sweating just as hard. "Good, we'll continue tomorrow. Take a shower and we'll have dinner," and he left her to tend to herself.

Slavedriver..... Natsuki thought to herself, too tired to even move. "Natsuki dear, are you alright? I'm scared that your father might have gone a little overboard again," a woman's voice was heard, not too far away from the training dojo.

"I'm fine, Mother! I'll be ready for dinner in ten," the tired girl responded.

"Alright, dear," footsteps were heard, the sound fading away as the mother left her daughter alone.

Natsuki breathed in before sitting up, wiping the sweat away from her face as she stood up and made her way to the shower - she really needed one.

Why is life so tiring? She thought to herself as she dragged herself across the floor. And why is father such a slavedriver? Oh, wait, he's a sadist, never mind.

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