~ Chapter 16 ~

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Natsumi groaned as Koro-sensei says something about baseball and basketball. We're so going to lose~ And what's this shit about doing basketball? Yeah, nah. As much as I love weapons and have accurate aim and whatnot, I don't wanna do it. I'll just lose anyway, especially with sis on the team... Wait, will sis even be playing in basketball?


Natsumi immediately responded "Yes!"

She realised it was just Koro-sensei and relaxed, "Don't go downsizing everything, you are a weapon fighter after all, aim, precision and such shouldn't be a problem. The girl's should have an easy win."

Natsumi slouched in her seat, and muttered "Not if sis's going to play."

"Huh, why's that?"

"She's the most athletic person I know! You can't beat her at anything!" Natsumi exclaimed.

Karma noted "I thought she was a close combat fighter, not a weapon fighter."

"She is a close combat fighter, but doing sports and fighting with weapons are two different things! Take basketball and using a gun for example, both need similar attributes to hit the target: precision, aim and accuracy. However, the trajectory is different for how you aim. For basketball, when you throw a ball, it curves as it goes downwards, when your shooting with a gun, it goes straight forward, no curves no nothing, just straight. The way you shoot a basketball is much different the way you shoot a bullet. My sister came aim a basketball like a pro, but when it comes to gun shooting, I'm the best," Natsumi said, ending proudly.

Koro-sensei said "Great explanation, Natsumi. But I do believe you should try your best, besides, I don't believe Natsuki, your sister, will be playing in basketball this time," Natsumi's ears perked up.

"Really?" Koro-sensei nodded.

"As far as I know, she's not taking any part of the matches," Natsumi cheered in happiness but then stopped abruptly.

Wait, why isn't she participating?

The E Class girls were stared down by the A Class basketball team. Natsumi looked around, trying to find her sister, but there was no sign of her. Koro-sensei was right, there is no sign of her, but why? Natsumi looked at her team and said "Alright, let's win this, girls!"


They all got into positions they were assigned by Natsumi - although Natsumi didn't know much about basketball, she had a basic idea that had a 50% chance of working because of Natsuki, but since Natsumi's twin wasn't here, it was 100% chance of working now.

The opposition had the ball at the moment and was making their way towards the E Class's hoop. Natsumi ran towards them and intercepted the ball from them, making a sharp U-turn towards the opposition's hoop. She easily dodged the Interceptors and jumped, throwing the ball into the hoop and scoring a goal for E Class.

"Yes!" Kayano yelled happily. "Great work, Natsumi!"

The game started again, the opposition starting with the ball this time. Once more, Natsumi intercepted the ball and began making her way towards the their hoop. However, before she was close enough to shoot, she was blocked by two women. She tried going around them, but it was no use. She scanned her surroundings and saw Kayano was free, she passed the ball towards her. Kayano caught the ball, and began freaking out before spotting that Meg was free so she passed the ball towards her. Meg started dribbling the ball towards the enemies hoop, she passed the ball toward Natsumi. Natsumi caught the ball and scored another point for E Class.

The game continued like that, the E Class students scoring goals while the other team was scoring none, there was a few goals that they managed to snuck in but in the end, Class 3-E won.

"That was awesome! We actually won!"

Natsumi chuckled, "Of course we did, there was no way I was going to be humiliated by A Class!"

"But you said before we would be if your sister entered the game," Kayano pointed out.

Next thing they saw was Natsumi on the ground with depressed lines above her head as she drew swirls in the dirt. "Uh! We didn't mean it like that! Besides, it was all thanks to you that we won! Your plan was awesome!"

Natsumi smiled at them and said "Yeah.. Thanks guys, now let's go check up on the boys and make sure they win their game."


"Go E Class!" Natsumi cheered as she watched the boys.

Gakuho, the principal had entered the game and was playing as coach for the A Class baseball team. Karma smirked at Natsumi, making her cut her cheering off. Why is he smirking at me?

In the end, E Class managed to win against A Class, seemingly to have made friends with the A Class team captain. However, there was one thing stuck on Natsumi's mind.

Where is my sister?

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