~ Chapter 13 ~

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Natsumi sighed as she just came home from her unproductive school day. Today, a new 'student' had arrived. To tell you the truth, you can't really call 'her' a student. 'Her' was an A.I.F.A, which stands for Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery. For the whole day, it spent the time shooting Koro-sensei. It only managed to hit Koro-sensei's fingers once, but it continued to shoot anyway, only stopping for recalculations in its next move.

She sat on the couch, looking dead as ever. Natsuki wasn't home yet... Natsuki's been coming home late lately, I wonder what's going on with her... And what was up with that Gakushuu coming over the other day? It was so awkward! Ugh, why is my sister so hard to read?

"I'm home," Natsumi snapped her head over to see Natsuki enter the living room. Natsuki looked at Natsumi, "Hello Natsumi, is something wrong? You seemed depressed," Natsumi stiffened up.

"Oh no, nothing's wrong! Yeah, nothing's wrong at all!" She said, a little too quickly.

Natsuki narrowed her eyes and walked over to her younger twin, grabbing her wrist and yanking her to her feet. The sleeves on Natsumi's wrist slid down her arm, revealing the bruises on them, which Natsuki just missed from grabbing. Natsuki glanced over to Natsumi, "Natsumi, where did you get these?" Her voice was filled with danger and bloodlust.

Natsumi sighed, and said weakly "On the Kyoto trip, my group got attacked by some high school thugs - I was caught along with Kanzaki and Kayano. My wrists and ankles were tied together tightly, but don't worry! I'm fine, really! Koro-sensei and Karma and the others saved us and everything and taught those guys a lesson! So please don't go hunting them down!"

Natsuki's eyes started to turn emotionless and blank again, meaning she was calming down. "I see.... I will have to thank these E Class friends of yours then," and she walked away like nothing happened.

Natsumi sighed in relief, collapsing onto the ground. What a stressful day~ Wait, what did she mean by thank them?

The next day, the A.I.F.A was tied up by Terasaka and the day went by peacefully... Well, mostly. I say this because at the end of class, the door opened to reveal Natsuki. "Na-Na-Natsuki! What are you doing here?" Natsumi asks, confused and shocked to see her older twin here.

Everyone else eyes were filled with shock as well, first being that an A Class student was here. Two, they recognised as the one that helped them at the assembly and finally three, her eyes laid on the yellow octopus that was at the front of the desk, who was about to leave. Natsuki pointed her finger at Koro-sensei, "You're that so-called invincible, yellow octopus I heard all about," her voice was blunt and lazy like usual.

"Natsuki! Now's not the time for that! Why are you here?"

The girl raised an eyebrow, "I just needed to talk to some people. Can I see Karma Akabane, Nagisa Shiota, Tomohito Sugino and Koro-sensei, and I suppose Okuda?"

"Well, they're all here in the room right now," Natsumi stated.

"Oh, that makes my job easier."

Sugino asks "So, what does an A Class student like you want with us? And how do you know about Koro-sensei?"

Instead of answering his question, she said "Thank you for helping my sister in Kyoto while I could not. I mean it to the bottom of my heart," she bowed ever so slightly to the class - but mainly to the said people she called out.

Karma said "An A Class student thanking and bowing to E Class student? That's a surprise~"

Natsuki made eye contact with Karma, and a sign of recognition went through her head. "Is that really?" Natsuki asks.

Okuda said "Well yeah, we are the E Class... A Class does have a lot of pride and everything, and um, what do you mean by sister?"

"Natsumi's my twin."





"So that's why you two look so alike! If you both had your hair down and had the same hair colour and wore the same clothes, you two would really look like twins!"

Natsuki stated "E Class is notably very loud compared to A Class, I should take that to note. Now, Koro-sensei," she turned to the octopus.

"Yes, Natsumi's sister?"

"I trust Natsumi in your care. Take care of her while I cannot during the day. That is all I have to say, I will take my leave now," and she left without another word.

"Nufufufu~ You have a very caring sister, Natsumi, even if she doesn't act like it," Koro-sensei said. "Well, I be off now~" and he blasted away.

Natsumi was shocked, she.... She actually did it...... But I guess that was kinda obvious, it was her nature... But even for her, bowing is something she does't like to do... Does she really care for me that much? I knew she cared about me, but... Not to bend her pride like that....

Karma watched Natsumi, his mind pondering a bit on Natsuki. So, she recognised me but then why... Hasn't she?

The next day, the autonomous intelligence fixed artillery's personality changed completely, she was a sweet girl and very kind. Natsumi got along very well with the artillery, and she soon went by the name Ritsu instead of A.I.F.A.

The next day, they learned that Ritsu had been downgraded, however, instead of firing, she brought out programmed flowers and declared to have rebelled against her 'masters'.

Seems like E Class has a new addition now to the team. 

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