~ Chapter 19 ~

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Natsuki stared at the night sky, her eyes as distant as it can be as she nibbled on the pocky that she had in her mouth, nearly forgotten by her. She was sitting on the roof of her house, her hair let out messily. A shooting star appeared in the sky, and her blue eyes sparkled slightly as she saw it before it turned dull again as it disappeared. Aye, life isn't going to be as easy as wishing upon a shooting star. Once a star falls, it's always going to fall. She stared at the darkened sky for a few more minutes, before swinging into her room through the window. I can't change anything now. If she hates me, she hates me. There's nothing I can do.

She laid down on her bed, closing her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.


She turned around to see Gakushuu, I feel like I'm having a deja vu moment. "Gakushuu, is there something you need?" Gakushuu sighed.

"Why can't you get it through your thick skull I'm going to walk you to school?" Gakushuu asks, Natsuki just shrugs in response.

They walked in silence, Natsuki eating a piece of pocky as she did. She noticed Gakushuu had been unusually silent and took a quick glance to see him with a serious expression on his face. "Gakushuu, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering about E Class is all," Natsuki raised an eyebrow.

"Why's that?"

"Father seems to be oddly interested about them, I think he's hiding something, and the E Class students are too," he's gotten sharper at his observation skills, Natsuki thought.

"I see... Well, I don't doubt your suspicions Gakushuu."

Gakushuu said "You know something about that class, don't you?"

Natsuki replied "I may or may not know, it's not like I would tell you anyway - I'm sworn to secrecy by the class," plus sis, and the government, and my parents...

Gakushuu frowned, and mumbles something under his breath. He's complaining about my secrecy again... Ah well, I can't change that. She thought to herself, gently shoving a piece of pocky into his mouth to shut him up. "Don't be like that. When this is all over, I'll tell you, 'kay? Now, hurry up, we don't want to be late," she said, yawning slightly.

Her day went on like usual, nothing special happened, her life was uneventful. It bore her greatly. I wonder how sis is doing, it must be more exciting than what I'm going through... Hmmm... I should spend a day eating, see what would happen then... She thought as she walked down the street to her house, her hands tucked in the pockets of her jacket. She stopped walking when she was surrounded by a whole bunch of delinquents.

"Stay where you are if you don't want to get hurt! All you have to do is come with us quietly," a smirk played on the lips of one of the delinquents.

I'll never understand people's motivations even if I am a human... She lifted up her foot slightly as one of them approached her from behind, but I suppose that's what makes them interesting. She kicked the one behind her and began to knock them out one by one. Before long, all of them were on the ground, groaning in pain. She looked at the sky, sighing before walking off as if nothing happened. Her ponytailed hair swayed with the wind, her eyes observing the sunset that loomed in the sky.

She opened the door to her house, entering inside and saying "I'm home."

"Welcome back, dear," her mother replied from the kitchen. "Oh my, what happened to you? You have a cut on your face!"

Natsuki raised a brow and touched her cheek, looking at her fingers to see some traces of blood. Right, one of them had a knife and managed to slightly graze my face a little. I forgot about it. "It's nothing, Mother. Don't worry about it. Just had a few delinquents pick a fight with me... Is Natsumi home?" Her mother nodded, "I see. I'll meet you at dinner then," and she walked off.

Natsuki was walking towards the dining room, her young sister running by her as she walked. She didn't even bother to stop, until Natsumi yelled at her "Hey Natsuki, I know I don't say this often, but you're the best sister anyone could ever ask for!" and then she was off.

Natsuki stared at the spot Natsumi was last standing in, before stating "She's cheered up since the last time I've talked to her. My, Karma must've done his job well then," she continued to walk, a small smile adorning her features.

Thanks a lot, Karma. 

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