~ Chapter 10 ~

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"Let's go here, and here, and here!" Natsumi said, pointing to places on the map of Kyoto.

Kayano said "Why those places, Natsumi? They don't seem to be that special, I mean, they look great, but...."

Natsumi stated "They're good assassination places! I've been to Kyoto before and I tell you, it's awesome. They're lots of assassination zones you could plan your assassinations at, but these ones are the best spots - they're the most secluded out of the other places we plan to visit."

"Hmm~ It seems you know you're stuff, Natsumi~," Karma cooed into her ear.

Natsumi jumped slightly and glared at Karma. "Of course I do! It's necessary if I want to be a good assassin," especially as good as her.

"One for each of you!" Natsumi looked over to see Koro-sensei holding a bunch of red, dictionary-like books.

"Uh, what are those, sir?" Isogai asks.

"They're field trip guide books!" And Koro-sensei passed them out to his students.

"What the hell?" 

"They're more like dictionaries!"

Natsumi looked at the book in her hands for a few seconds before flipping through it, landing on a specific page. It wasn't long before she found herself reading the book.

E Class was on the train now, and Natsumi was sitting next to the window and Karma. Her eyes glued onto the guidebook on her lap, turning the page once and awhile. "Natsumi~ Natsumi~" Karma cooed, trying to get a silver-grey haired girl's attention but so far, he was failing miserably.

So, he decided to do the only thing he could - take her book from her. "Hey!" Natsumi glared at Karma. "Give that back, Karma!"

The red-head stuck his tongue out at her, "No~ You'll just ignore me again~," Natsumi sighed to herself and began looking out the window instead. Karma frowned, expecting something more... Dramatic.

Something, was clearly wrong.

"Wow, this place is awesome! Oh, this is awesome too!" Natsumi looked in awe, practically exploring the whole entire shrine as she did.

Her group continued to explore the area, Natsumi's excitement not at all dying down.

They were walking down a gloomy alleyway, Natsumi had only gone silent - everyone noticed. However, before they could ask, a group of delinquents came out from hiding and surrounded them. "A deal is right, it's also a great spot for kidnappers to plan a trade."

Shoot, I knew something was up with this alleyway. Natsumi sweated a little, moving her hands towards the hidden gun in her sleeve as her eyes scanned her surroundings. Karma said "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but something tells me you gentlemen aren't tourist."

"Don't try to be a hero, carrot-top. Hand over your lady friends or—" the dude was cut off mid-sentence as Karma slammed the guy into the ground.

"You see that? What do I tell you? To hell with them without any witnesses, it's basically a free for all, so go nuts - but don't kill them," Karma said.

Natsumi smiled a bit, "If you say so," and she pulled out the gun she hid and started shooting the men, making sure not to hurt them fatally.

Dammit, this sucks. I'm so limited at the moment - I can't kill them or hurt them to badly! The best I can do is make them fear me but they aren't going to be if they know I won't shoot them! Ugh! "Ahhh!" She snapped her head over to see Kanzaki and Kayano had been caught. She was about to help them but she somehow found herself in the same predicament.

She struggled in vain against them as she tried to free herself. She was close to, but then, someone hit her, her vision darkening. Dammit, why do I suck at close combat so much?

Then, her world turn black.

Karma sat up from the ground, his vision clearing as he did. He quickly realised what had happened and started looking around - looking for a certain someone. She wasn't seen anywhere... Those bastards... How dare they take Natsumi...

"I'm fine, sorry, I didn't know what to do, so I hid."

"Don't sweat it. You did the right thing. I think it's safe to assume those guys are pretty hardcore. We could go to the cops but there the types that know there way around the system. Which is fine. Cause I'm the type who likes to take these things personally," Karma said, a vein popping. "If you know what I mean," when I find them, they're going to be beaten to a pulp for taking what's mine.

Natsumi groaned as she opened her eyes, a headache taking over her mind. She tried moving, only to realise her wrists and ankles were tightly bounded together. She slickly made herself sit up, "Natsumi! You're ok!" She looked to see Kayano and Kanzaki in the same situation as her.

Natsumi said "Yeah, what about you two?"

"We're fine, you don't need to worry about us. But what about you? We saw you get hit by a baseball bat!" Kayano said.

So that's what I got hit with... Natsumi shook her head, "I'm fine, a slight headache is all. I'm sorry I couldn't be much help, close combat is not a strong suit of mine," if sis was here, she would've never let this happen... I'm so pathetic.

Kanzaki said "Don't worry about it, Natsumi. I'm just glad that you're alright."

"Ah, looks like sleeping beauty has awaken," Natsumi glanced over to see her kidnappers. "You mind telling me why someone like you have illegal weapons with you?"

Natsumi kept her mouth shut, and stuck her tongue out at him. The leader glared at her and picked her up by the collar of her shirt, choking Natsumi slightly. "Oh, you think you can just look down on us? Don't think you're better than us just because you have fancy guns and good grades," Natsumi noticed her weapons were on the floor, quite a distance away from her.

Damn, I'm unarmed. The kidnapper dropped her onto the couch, Natsumi coughed for a bit to get some air back into her lungs. "Here's the deal, when we're done here, you go back to wherever fancy hotel you're in and tell whoever asks that you were just out singing karaoke and lost track of time! Stick to the story and no one gets hurt! Once we're back home in Tokyo, maybe we can hang out together. With a scrapbook, doing something artsy with the vacation photos we're all about to take," the door creaked. "Ah, speak of the devil, my photographer buddies are here."

A head was revealed from the shadows, however, when the whole body appeared, it showed him all beat up. It was revealed that Karma and the group had arrived. It wasn't long before Koro-sensei had arrived and took down the kidnappers himself - oddly wearing a veil to conceal his face.

Natsumi sighed as she stood outside of her once-be prison, looking at her bruised wrists. Karma asks "Are you alright, Natsumi~?" He sounded like he was mocking her, but he was indeed serious about it.

"I'm fine, this is nothing compared to other injuries I've had. Let's get back," I better hide these bruises for awhile until they heal, no telling what sis would do if she found out.

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