Chapter 1 The Team Vs Remnant

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In U.A academy in Japan. Class 1-A was currently listening to there teacher Eraser Head. He explained that a portal have open up in this school in the gym. The teachers close the gym off for a while until they solve the problem. But they need to send heroes to investigate what is in the other side of the portal. So the teachers and the principal of the academy decided to send the best team in Class 1-A to investigate it out.

"All right class. Today I'm picking our strongest students to be in this mission." Eraser Head announced as he look at the paper on a clip board. "Izuku Midorya, yoi'll be joining the mission as well be the team leader." "W-what?!" "Next we have Bakugō Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirō." Kirishima gave Bakugõ a thumbs up while Bakugõ just have a sinister toothy grin on his face. "And last we have Todoroki Shōto." Eraser Head look at him and he gave him a nod. "You four put on your costum and meet me in the Gym. And that is all for the rest of the students."

At the gym Izuku, Bakugõ, Kirishima, and Shõto, are all costumed up and ready to head off. There teacher was standing right in front of them giving them a little briefing. "Here's how it works. All you have to do is explore in and directly head out. I would be right behind you when you all go." Eraser Head said with his tierd expression on. The four students gave him a nod. "Good then let's go-" there teacher wasn't able to finish when a sudden phone call was send to him. While he answered and talk to the caller, the four students didn't know that Eraser Head was busy. As each one pass through the portal while talking to each other. "I'm so hype up!" Kirishima yelled. "Down loose your guard. Where going to an unkown area." Shõto said. "Guys let's just stick togather and follow our instructor." Deku ordered. "Shut up Deku!" Bakugõ yelled, shutting Izuku up and letting him have a shiver down his spine. While they all walk in. Eraser Head finally finish his call. He turned around to see his students already in the portal. When he tried to walk in. The portal directly shut him out. ". . ." Seconds past and Eraser Head was still processing what happened.

In the other side the team was panicking (Mostly Deku and Kirishima) about the portal shut the in. "Guys what are we going to do?" Kirishima asked, the panic was all out of him now. "Well we can start of by searching the place out?" Izuku suggested. "That plan would do some good." "It isn't a bad idea. But if there is anything here that attack us directly go back and warn us." Shõto announced. The group split up and decided to go to there marry ways.

We Bakugõ who is currently just walking around kicking stones while at it. Bakugõ is really fun when he can't beat anything to shit. As Bakugõ just continue to walk around, a claw nearly strike him down behind him. He rolled out of the way dodging the attack. He put himself in stance ready to fight. He was up against five large werewolves, with black fur, red blood eyes, and skull armor. "Finally! I was started to get bored in this lame world." He said as a sinister grin formed on his lips. As the five werewolves howl. Bakugõ charge at them. As one of the strange looking monster send a claw towards Bakugõ's face, he dodge it by going under it's arm, then he sent a powerful jab to the beast's abdomen. It thought the jab would be normal well it wasn't. As a large explosion formed on the beast's abdomen, the monster was sent flying to a tree breaking it's spine as it landed on the trunk. The four Grimm left to watch suddenly have shivers down there spine, as they look back at there enemy instead of seeing a normal prey they witness a powerful predator, as smoke was released from his hand that he use to kill one of them, Bakugõ's grin growed. He charge towards the rest of the Grimm, as one tried to claw him, he dodge the attack, grabbed it's face and a sudden burst blow his entire head off. Another tried to tackle him, only to hit nothing but he decided to tackle it, hitting it, he send explosive jabs to it's face destroying the skull in the process. This only leaves two more. The other just say they got a gruesome death by him. "Is that it!?" Bakugõ yelled. Not really happy since it only took a minute killing them. Suddenly more came out of the trees, and a large bear like creatures where with them. Bakugõ returned to fighting stance, but before he can charge in, ice and fire defeated the entire monsters. Bakugõ turned to around to see his team, Deku, Kirishima, and Shõto, right behind.

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