chapter 6

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                                       jades POV

when I woke up I felt strong arms around my waist and I snuggled closer into the persons chest getting tingles shoot through my body

"morning beautiful" said a familiar voice. Evan. that's when I remembered about yesterday I quickly went to get up but his arms kept me there

"where you going " he said sleepily

"home" I said still struggling to get out if his grip he stiffened when I said that

"no" he said simply "I'm not letting you go back to that house your safe here "  

"look i understand your worried but i hardly know you and what happens when you get bored of us being friends its  happened before it will happen again" i said giving him an understanding look even though a part of me really didn't want that to happen 

"that would never happen Jade i would never stop being your .......friend . i promise you that i will always protect you" he said looking sincere 

i looked at him trying to read his emotions as he stroked my hair there was worry, adoration 

"Evan i...." should i trust him or should i lie  "Evan" i started again "it only happened once ill be safe i think after so long of keeping his emotions in he just got drunk and freaked out" i said  

"what you mean your dad beating you cause i don't care if it was only once cause I'm not going to happen a second time " he says sternly wrapping his arms tighter around me 

"Evan" i said softly as his eyes changed to black then back to his normal eyes over and over that's when i got a flashback 


as my five year old self stared at my mum and a man from behind the staircase  i listened to there hushed talking 

"you have to come the alphas is expecting you "

"you mean my mate" whats a mate? i thought silently 

"yes the rouge wars finally over you can come back to the pack now he says it safe and you don't need the human man any more to blend in as a human" why are they saying human and are they talking about dad i thought questions running through my head

"okay ill come just let me get me and my mates daughter he has tro see her shes grown so much shell be confused at first since she thought the human was her dad but ill explain it to her" 

"no there's no time another pack has claimed the territory and its our rival have to leave her" 

"NO" my mum said angrily her eyes turning from there usual green to black and then turning back over and over. i let out a silent gasp  

"im sorry about this Luna but shell be safer here" my mum eyes turned back to there soft green  

"she will " she asked quietly 

" i promise but we have to go now" and with that they left i quickly came from my hiding space 

"mum , mummy " i yelled running out side to see them changing into something then running into the forest 

                     ******************** END OF FLASHBACK *********************** 

"why did your eyes turn black" i blurted out "is it some secret thing,whats an alpha?  whats a luna ? ,whats a rouge ? whats a mate " i asked feeling he could answer these questions 

"where did you here that" he asked shocked so he did know something 

"just answer me " i asked feeling impatient well i had been waiting for answers since i was five 

"well have you ever heard of a .....wolf pack" i nodded "well the alphas the head of the pack making him in charge of all the other wolfs the Luna's his mate . a mate is a soul mate your other half the person you love unconditional your.....everything " 

"that sounds sweet it would be great to have a mate" i commented quietly he smiled down at me 

"well the Luna is basically the alpha but shes called a Luna and a rouge " he spat the name out "is a wolf that leaves the pack and goes by himself they are savage and like to torment the packs"  

i started thinking over what he said carefully so mum was apparently a Luna and my real dad was an alpha and she said they were mates but mum was human but then she changed into something does that mean my mums a......werewolf  but Evans knows this stuff as well and his eyes turned black like mums does that mean......

"Evan are you a werewolf"

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