2 « Aeonium Atropurpureum?

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          John quirked the corner of his mouth and shrugged, hot on Peggy's heels.

          The glass door opened once again, letting out a stream of fresh air. A strong, sweet smell carried on the gust, almost wanting to make me gag. It was too happy for my liking. Cheerfulness was for fools.

          (a/n: Yeah Hammy keep telling yourself that. Btw I'm laughing at my own writinggg this isn't normal guys..! LEAH nebriis Says EDGY AF)

          John immediately disappeared inside.

          I would've rather stayed outside of the shop, but I knew running away would only worry Peggy and John.

         Before I could make up my mind, someone crashed into me, talking on their phone and not bothering to apologize. I stumbled, but caught myself before I fell.

          No, I decided. I would never make it less than a minute alone in New York City. I rushed forward before the door had a chance to close all the way.

          My fingers grazed the cool glass as I swung it towards me effortlessly. The hinges groaned in protest, and the sweet smell invaded my senses yet again. I forced in a deep breath, the aromas burning my nose.

          (a/n: My God Alex it's just a freaking flower shop calm down)

          The door shut with a whoosh, settling back into its frame.

          I lifted my eyes to quickly survey the shop. The first things that popped out at me were the flowers.

         The shop wasn't very big, but thousands of plants seemed to accommodate every available space. Large, almost fluffy bouquets lined the walls from top to bottom.

Different assortments of potted daisies, lilies, roses, and many other unidentifiable plants were stacked on shelves that nearly grazed the ceiling. Most of the pots were unadorned, drawing my attention to the tangly leaves that spilled over the sides.

          A cold, grey cement iced over the floor, or at least, what was visible of it. Fallen leaves and petals left a colorful blanket that covered the ground almost completely. Some were crinkly and dried out, and crunched under my feet as I took a modest step forwards.

Light shimmered through the large windows, casting a warm light into the store. Long shadows hid behind the shelves, contrasting against the explosions of petals.

          Colors burst into my vision from all directions, amd my eyes wanted to look everywhere at once. The room resembled a carefree abstract painting that displayed the artists' feelings, random blotches of color splattered in every nook and cranny. I mentally patted myself on the back for coming up with that metaphor.

Even though I tried to convince myself that this wasn't cool and that I would much rather be in my room, a small part of my brain was secretly enjoying this. My jaw loosened slightly with awe, my mouth unconsciously hanging open.

There was so much to see that I almost didn't notice John and Peggy browsing around in the corner.

"Alex!" John hissed from across the room, waving me over. My feet rustled the ground noisily as I made my way towards him.

"They have turtles," he urged, pointing frantically to the back wall. "Turtles!"

Peggy sighed. "Statues of turtles," she corrected.

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