4 « La Grenouille

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My coughing fit thankfully ended abruptly, and Peggy, John and I made our way to the door.

"Thanks for stopping by," Thomas told us cheerily, but he held a sincere and genuine tone.

"No problem," Peggy waved, stepping out of the door. "Next stop: YELLOW DRESSES!" I cringed.

John followed her, clutching the small cement turtle to his chest. "Thanks for letting me adopt this little guy," he grinned, letting the door shut behind him. A stream of light shone through the thin glass panes, dust particles clearly visible in the light.

I hesitated, hovering by the exit.

"Hey, Thomas," I called out. The employee made eye contact with me, mentally urging me to continue.

"Thanks. For.. everything." I paused remembering that he had told me he could speak French earlier. At the moment, I was thankful that I had grown up in the Caribbean. Although Thomas and I were polar opposites, at least we has bilingualism in common.

"Je ne savais pas que quelque chose de heureux pourrait être si amusant," I added.

(translation: I didn't know something happy could be so fun. a/n: all around me are familiar faces .)

Thomas's eyes crinkled cheerily as he replied.

"Certains trouvent leur propre fleur spéciale où ils s'y attendent le moins."

(translation: Some people find their own special flower where they least expect it.)

Did he just make a metaphor?

I blinked hard. At Thomas's mention of flowers, I unconsciously fingered the rose, just realizing that the stem had pokey thorns, threatening to tear into my fingertips. I loosened my grip cautiously.

Of course, the Black Magic rose was almost asking for trouble. After all, it had stood out to me because of my dark soul.

I shuddered, hoping that wasn't the reason Thomas had shared his figure of speech with me.

          "Hey," Thomas stopped me as I placed my outstretched hand on the door. "I'm eating at 5:00 tonight at La Grenouille, if you would, ah, want to come."

          I nodded, and although I had never heard of the restaurant, I instinctively knew it was French. In fact, it translated to mean "the frog." I almost laughed out loud at the name, but covered it with a forced cough.

          "Peggy will know where it is," I assured him, swinging the door open. A gust of warm air swirled around me, making my hair fly up.

          "See you then!" Thomas called as I stepped out of the small shop. His voice faded as the door shut, and I missed the quietness of the shop. People shoved passed me in large crowds, chattering noisily. I tripped over to Peggy and John uncertainly.

          "What took you so long?" Peggy asked. John was still gushing over his turtle, not having noticed me yet.

          "Where's La Grenouille at?" I asked out of the blue. Peggy looked incredulous.

          "That's... ehem... really expensive, Alex."

          "Oh." Thomas hadn't really given specifics. "Every rose has its thorns," I concluded, absentmindedly repeating what the employee had told me.

          Peggy glowered in distress. "Watch the metaphors," she growled.

           (a/n: im not even paying attention if these are actually metaphors at this point so bear with me )

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