3 « Introductions

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"I speak French, too, you know," the stranger said, shaking his head slowly.

That definitely did not help with my jittery nervousness, and my ears flushed as my hands broke out in a cold sweat. My dorm sounded really welcoming right about now.

"I'm just gonna..." I trailed off, awkwardly pointing to the door. I attempted to walk toward the exit like nothing had happened.

Of course, a simple getaway was too much to ask for.

Peggy marched after me, her fist clenching the scruff of my neck as she dragged me back ungracefully. I squirmed clumsily, my feet leaving trails in the fallen petals.

Peggy pushed me up with a shove to confront the stranger. She daintily hopped back over to John, who was still sulking in the corner.

"My turtle," he whimpered. Peggy premeditatively ignored him, her face devoid of all emotion.

Is this what always happened when you socialized?

"And Peggy," Peggy introduced, holding out her hand to the lanky stranger. He hid a smirk, attempting to appear diplomatic; but he held a persistent aura of quietness.

"I'm John-no-turtle-statue-Laurens," John's voice cracked with devastation, but he managed to wave half heartedly. A dry smile forced its way onto his freckled face.

I stood still for a moment longer, before snapping to attention and realizing I needed to address myself to the tree -er, stranger.

"Oh! I'm Alex. Alexander Hamilton, that is."

"And you are?" Peggy asked pointedly, drawing out the last syllable.

The man tapped his chest proudly, tipping his nose in the air. His words flowed jokingly out of the corner of his mouth.

"Uhh, the name's Thomas."

(a/n: yes that's a Voltron reference don't judge)

          I stared at him blankly. "Thomas," I repeated habitually, sounding the name out.

          John leaned over to Peggy, whispering noisily in her ear. The sound of his harsh voice drifted on the still air. "Thomas the train sells flowers?"

          The man named Thomas must've heard it too, because a jovial laugh rippled from him, startling me. John appeared to be deadpan, his facial features gone completely slack.

          Thomas's chuckle awkwardly quieted down to unrhythmic "ha's" until it completely stuttered out. "Wait, you weren't kidding,"
he said. It wasn't a question.

          I didn't think normal conversations were supposed to end up this untimely. This is why I stayed confined in my room.

          Stupid people and their stupid happy flower shops. I cursed mentally. I loved having John and Peggy as friends, but sometimes they were a handful around other people.

          John looked left and right nervously, obviously wanting to avoid the situation. He tiptoed away silently, somehow slipping under Peggy's detection. She was examining the nearest flowers, apparently having lost all interest in the flower-shop-employee.

Thomas was oblivious to my friends, and I couldn't decide if that was a good or bad thing. Instead, he stared at me oddly, his head tilted to one side.

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