5 « Stupides Serveurs Américains

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Thomas's POV

At precisely five o'clock, I entered La Grenouille. I went here often, so I knew the staff well. The familiar hostess at the door nodded when I walked in.

"Here alone again?" She asked fondly as I slowed my pace. Her name tag flashed against the soft lighting, Vanessa scrawled across it in elegant cursive. She usually strayed from her long script when talking to me, which I appreciated.

I shook my head curtly. "I was waiting for, uh, a party of three."

"We aren't too busy tonight, so there's no wait, but I'm only aware of several tables of two and five at the moment."

"Oh," I said, crestfallen. "Are you sure-" A loud crash interrupted me, the sound emitting noisily from the back of the room. Startled, I leaned to the side to get a better view of the commotion.

          The normally formal and inviting restaurant was moved to chaos by a table of five who sat at a booth in the back. Vamessa ducked with a shriek to avoid a soaring plate, which shattered near her head.

          A buff man had a bandana tucked loosely around his  forehead, his arm draped casually around another unfamiliar person. His thick French accent carried through the nearly vacant room as babbled on about random topics. They were both situated on a shorter side of the rectangular table.

          The girl who called herself Peggy was on their left, attempting to keep a mature pose as she straightened her dress irritably. Her nose pointed towards the ceiling as if she was trying to block out all of the sound to maintain her dignity.

          Vanessa's jaw dropped as she took in the rest of the five.

Next to Peggy sat turtle boi, who was listening intently to the French man. He nodded his head, absorbed in the conversation. I didn't fail to notice that John's cement figurine was peeping out of his shirt pocket.

          On the other shorter side of the table was my newest acquaintance, Alexander. He shrunk back anxiously into the green cushion as the guy with the bandana dramatically waved his hands as he made a comment, accidentally smashing his water glass. "Oops," he said gruffly, yet gently.

          For the first time in a long time I was at a loss for words. "I'll just, er.." I trailed off awkwardly as I shifted sluggishly over to the booth.

Vanessa didn't stop me, but as I glanced nervously back at her, she offered a fake smile. I blinked and turned around.

I was tempted to turn back around, but once Alex saw me, all conflict vanished instantly. His eyes lit up as he sat up a little taller, his features brightening dramatically.

(a/n: so ik that rn Thomas is kind of out of character, but trust me they'll have their arguing moments in the future )

I slid into the seat next to him without waiting for an invitation. At once, of the noisy talk abruptly ceased as a shadow of silence settled in uneasily as the rest of Alex's friends noticed me.

"Thomas!" Peggy exclaimed, relief flooding her face. "These two," she jabbed her thumb at the two boys next to her, who froze up at their mentioning, "have been dying to meet you."

The gruff guy with the bandana leaned across the messy table to shake my hand. There wasn't any food yet, although the plates and silverware has already been passed out.

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