Beacon Academy.

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You attempted to stop a robbery at a Dust shop the night before. You've been following the trail of Dust shops having their Dust supplies depleted or stolen, and you've met and fought the perpetrator. You recall the man in the fedora who leads the henchmen, but more importantly, you recall the mysterious woman who could shoot fireballs from her hand. You believe it was most likely due to the use of Dust. In any case, even with the assistance of a Huntress, the robbers escaped. The same Huntress then brought you and Ruby Rose, a young girl who happened to be nearby and was attempting to stop the robbery. You two were taken to the police station, where instead of being congratulated, you were chastised. You and Ruby also met with Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon, who offers you and Ruby a place in his Academy. Ruby accepted right away, while you gave it careful thought before accepting his offer. That agreement is now the reason you're on a Bullhead bound for Beacon Academy. You scan the room from your seat. You see people the same age as you, people who are also younger than as well as people who are older than you. You also notice a number of other weapons, including what appears to be a familiar war scythe. While watching, you notice a blonde-haired boy having some difficulties. He appears to be covering his mouth and holding his stomach, almost as if he wants to vomit. Other people who notice this don't dare to approach him, possibly for fear of being puked on or being the one who caused the boy to vomit. You rose from your seat and approached the blonde-haired boy with caution, placing a hand on his shoulder.


Motion sickness?

The blonde-haired boy is unable to speak but he does manage to give you a nod. You remember that you have something that can help.


I have something that can help. Here.

You lead the boy to a seat away from the crowd and sit him down. You went through your bag looking for something. You take some pills and a water bottle from your bag. There's also a plastic bag. You hand them over to the boy with the blonde hair.


Here. Take the plastic bag first. Vomit into it and find a place-!

The boy lets go of whatever he was clutching and spills the contents of his stomach into the plastic bag without hesitation. The sound of his vomit was so loud that everyone felt sick and wanted to puke as well. You, too, gag as you catch a whiff of the vomit.


Sweet Merciful Monty...Is that corn? Urgh...

You try to keep your cool as you place the vomit-filled plastic in a zip-tie bag, not wanting the smell of vomit to engulf the entire Bullhead lobby and make everyone sick on the way to Beacon. You hand over the pills and the water bottle to the blonde-haired boy after disposing of the plastic bag of vomit.


Take these next. They're motion sickness pills and then drink.

The boy took and swallowed the pills. The boy then sighs as he gulps down every liquid in the bottle. You stay with the blonde-haired boy for a few minutes while the pill takes effect. The boy breathes a sigh of relief.


Whew! Oh, geez, thank you. At some point, I thought I was about to puke on the floor.


Glad I stopped that from happening, really.

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