Things I Don't Like About Wattpad

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So, you've wrote a really good story about a long lost love that gets lost in the jungle; there he is adopted by a pack of wolves. On the other side of the world your ship sinks and you are reunited by fate in the jungle. You bring him back to his civilised self and he falls in love with you. But soon enough the wolves kill you and your lover is left to die alone. <---Don't steal it, that's my story.

You write in here on this amazing new website that all your friends are using. Wattpad. Soon enough, you publish it. Along your's and your story's path to fame you will encounter some extremely annoying things on Wattpad:

1.) Your first task is making a front cover for your story. You opt for the google images and photo shop option. You make an amazing cover with a beautiful picture and fancy writing, with shades, tones and lighting effects. This is the way it should be but the most annoying thing about this subject is the people who can't be bothered to do this. They go on google images, find a picture of Justin beiber's face and go on paint. There they write 'I <3 Justin' or 'Beiber Fever' In big green writing. By the time it is put on their front cover it it squashed and distorted, not a pleasant sight on anyone's computer screen.

2.) Your second task is advertising. You go on the 'Share your story' club, there you try to find someone who will honestly read and review your story. But instead you get a bunch of vote hoggers who say. 'I'll only read yours if you read/vote and comment on mine' The majority of people on that club are these people. They make you read theirs and in turn they scroll down to the bottom of your story and write. 'Keep uploading' or 'nice (:'. Can't their just be a decent person that will read your story without demanding any form of favour or 'repayment'.

3.) Thirdly, you go back to your profile a week or so later to find you have *drum roll* 46 reads and2 votes. 0 comments... The annoying part of this is that you have wrote a really great story and you look at the Beiber Fanfics and they all have at least 1000 reads. Whereas there are Vampire/werewolf stories writing by hormonal teenage girl trying to do a knock off version Of the Twilight Saga. Why can't people be original and write something worth reading. I know, some people may argue that they find these books interesting. So why don't you go to a car-boot and buy the twilight series or the vampire diaries for 50p?

There are so many more problems to list so I will write them all without the introduction from now on.

4.) The lack of punctuation in stories. We are most definitely not robots. We can not read 15 lines of a paragraph without pausing for breath. So put some punctuation in them! You only have to press a button on your keyboard to save us the headache of running out of breath every time I read your paragraphs!

5.) Spelling. For god's sake this is not Facebook! There is a spell check button at the top of the page, so there is no excuse for the words: U, Ur or R. We want to read proper stories not books that look as though they have been written by a hippo on drugs jumping up and down on the keyboard blindfolded.

6.) Swearing statuses. We don't want to know how you are F^&*"$ annoyed with the world/meebo/people/pet emus. Whatever you have to say talk to someone in chat about it, don't write it on your status bar for the world to see; keep your business to yourself!


I am going to leave my rant there. Please, If you have anymore points comment them and I will make a new chapter about whatever you write. The best ones I will feature with your name.

Things I Don't Like About WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now