Some other things you commented

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So, again, people have commented with some other annoying stuff for me to write about. Here we go again...

XForeverAloneX - Clichés <-- Fancy French accent thing going on there.

So, A point that was pointed out to me was the cliched story lines. The millions of books that look like they have been photocopied a million times and given a new title, because there are literally hundreds of these books that are well, the same. They're all about a pretty girl who thinks she is ugly, she is insecure but suddenly *plays dramatic music* a 'hot' jock picks her up and convinces her that she is pretty and they go out. *yawn* I mean, come on. I don't mind maybe one or two of this type of book, but please, leave it in single figures. No one wants to read the same book a gazillion times!

Another story line that is repeated often enough is the two people that hate each other, then they get paired together for a science project/trapped in a basement together and they discover that they are so alike and they fall in love. *pass me the bucket*

Finally, the last story line that I will be ranting about today is the blond, slapped up slut who is changed to a modest, classy girl by an unsuspecting innocent boy. What is so good about his?! It doesn't happen in real life, it's not funny or romantic. Nor is it worth writing in a flipping book!

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A.N Please tell your friends about my  book. I am sure there are loads of points people don't like about this place. So c'mon I love pointing out things that are wrong on the Internet. In fact it's one of my many hobbies. I am a #1 professional ranter, so please. Help me to get more people reading them :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2012 ⏰

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