What Do You Think?

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So I have had some reviews on my first chapter of things that I don't like about this place. As i promised, here is a chapter of annoying things that you proposed, well, for me to write a chapter on.


1.) Long titles that don't make sense. A very, in fact, awfully annoying point that does need covered. If you have wrote a story, please, give it a half decent title. This means people will actually read your book, that being the up most purpose of you publishing it in the first place. Am I right? But some people have ridiculously long titles for their books which people wont read because all they have to do is read the title; getting the characters names,relations places and situations! For example: 'I am a vampire who is in love with my best friend's brother. Did I mention he is a super hottie ninja fit dude?' Why no, you didn't mention that he was a super hottie ninja fit dude, thanks for that useless piece of information that makes me want to keep scrolling down the page to find a half decent book. You see the search bar at the top of the screen, type in 'did i mention' and be amazed as you find endless books with 20 words in the title. I dare you!

2.) The h8er bois n gurls. Da ones dat fink ther hard coz they critisize ur buk. Well they're not, and please Div1scary. Throw a dictionary in their smug faces. What is the point in criticising someones book to make them feel down. Maybe one of the most 'bullied' book genre is boyxboy or girlxgirl. These haters, I think are extremely wrong and homophobic. What is the point in commenting: 'Not my type' and  'This is sick, why do you write crap like this' Well my replies to these comments would be: 'If it's not your type of book, why did you bloody click on it in the first place?' 'Leave your opinions to yourself' and 'They write those stories because me and many thousands of other people enjoy them. ' These books also give confidence to Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals too, that they are not the only ones who want to portray how proud they are of their sexuality. Comments like this make these people, not only the author, feel like they have done something wrong. Which they have not! So, do us a favour, stop banging your head on the keyboard and go read another book, stop writing a load of rubbish.

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