Paint me?

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Alex sat, paintbrush in hand, staring blankly at the canvas in front of her. Her mind, much like the canvas, was completely empty. She'd run out of ideas.

She remained this way for around ten more minutes before she noticed a girl had sat down beside her. It was the middle of the year so Alex couldn't think of a reason that this girl would be joining her class now. She knew the school had prohibited students joining mid year unless urgent.

The girl wore a pale blue denim jacket with a burgundy knitted jumper, a peach collar leaching out from the high neckline. Her jeans were simply blacks and skinny accompanied with maroon laced boots. Her style way quite unique for such a boring town.

"Nice painting." The girl dropped her bag onto the floor as she glanced at Alex.

"I can't think of anything." Alex mumbled back, gesturing toward her canvas and back at the girl.
"Paint me." The girl joked, her tone seemed to have an underlining of seriousness to it which she attempted to camouflage with a laugh.

Don't get the wrong idea, Alex would love to paint this girl. She was beautiful.
Her long brown hair lay sprawled across her shoulders and chest, parted in the centre at the top of her forehead. Her face was smooth and lacked acne unlike many students her age. The eyes that stared back at Alex were a deep chocolate which complemented her toned skin perfectly.

"You can if you want you know." She spoke again, Alex finally realising just how long she had been incoherent.

"Uhhh... okay?" She looked down at her paint pallet, "what's your name?" She began swirling the paint together as she spoke.
"Maggie," she watched Alex move her paintbrush within the water, "Maggie Sawyer."

"Well nice to meet you Maggie."

Alex scooped up her pencil, immediately frantically sketching away at once blank the canvas. Her eyes lit up as she began to see her work piece together.she glanced repeatedly at Maggie, attempting not to stare for too long.

"Why're you joining so late?" Alex burrowed her brow as she placed the pencil down and replaced it with a paintbrush once again.
"We just moved here. I'm the Sheriff's daughter."

"Really?" Alex looked around the room and back at Maggie, "I didn't know he had a daughter."

"Yep. My mum sent me here to live with him for a while."

Alex sat back, looking up at the canvas in front of her as she inspected every detail. She hadn't exactly done this beautiful girl any justice but she liked her work so far.
Alex glanced back at Maggie in order to read her facial expression, not knowing what to expect.
Maggie seemed astonished by this painting for some reason. It was nothing special. Alex had completed much better paintings in her free time.

"It's awesome!" Maggie smiled, her face resting in her hand, "how on earth did you do that? Wow."

Maggie smiled, trying not to show how truly happy she was that someone was admiring her work. She didn't really have many friends and therefor, not many people acknowledged her art.

"Thankyou." She mumbled.

"Maggie Sawyer." The teacher sat at her desk, book in hand, "come here."

Maggie stood up, a confused look on her face as she looked over at Alex.
Alex watched as the teacher handed Maggie a sketchbook and a pencil, the same way she had done to Alex at the start of the year. She stood nodding her head as the teacher spoke for a while before the bell rang and the class was dismissed.

Students scattered into the hallways like rats, everyone eager to get out of their classes and talk to their friends. Everyone except Alex who sat slowly packing away her paint kit, propping her canvas up a nearby wall where it had been previously placed.

"I guess I'll see you around." Maggie wandered over as Alex swung her back over shoulder, "well... I hope so."

"Yeah. I'll see you around."

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