I Constantly Thank The Gods For Jaz Anderson

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The air was cold and I didn't like it. I hugged my jacket closer to my body but it didn't help much since it was thin and the wind was strong. Now, if you're thinking why don't I just teleport there, the reason is it's too risky and it takes a lot of energy. My argument was that on days like this walking took twice as much energy. Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but it was still very annoying. I glanced behind me to see if anyone had started on their walk to school, I saw two figures, Jaz and Walt. They were walking really close to each other and that shouldn't have bothered me. Besides, I once stood up on the table in the Great Room to announce that all girls could feel free to flirt with Walt. I knew I was jealous, but not because I wanted to be with Walt, I just wanted something like they had. I sped up a little and almost ran into a sign in the process of turning around. I was just glad that nobody was close to me. The sky had turned a dark grey color, which I thought was just great because it matched my mood.

Then everything went bad. The funny thing is at first it didn't seem like a big deal though, the rain was gentle. Then it started to pour down on me and I immediately realized I didn't have an umbrella or hood. I was glad my makeup was water proof, that would have been terrible. I started sprinting towards my destination. That was probably the first time I had ever rushed to school before. I nearly slipped off the sidewalk a few times which would've been great since I was near a busy road. I passed a couple buildings, the elementary school, a graveyard, then the middle school, constantly getting closer to my hell of a high school. I knew it would be completely embarrassing to show up in soaked clothing. I then stopped a block away from the school looking like I was dreading everything. I just wanted to curl up in a ball right in the middle of the street. I was shaking but I didn't notice it until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stifled a scream and turned to see a concerned looking Jaz who was now holding an umbrella over the both of us. Her hair was completely dry and the only thing that looked wet was her rain boots. Jaz was seriously pretty so I kind of now realized why all of the boys were all over her. "Sadie, Carter tried to tell you about the rain." She explained to me handing me a umbrella, "Doubt it would help now, but after school it will be useful."

I sighed, wishing for once that I had listened to my brother before running off on my own. I looked around Jaz's shoulder and saw Walt who seemed completely oblivious to the world around him. I looked back at Jaz, "Thanks, I probably should've listened. Where is Carter and Zia?" I assumed that they would be traveling with Jaz and Walt since they all  got along well. I normally would be in that group but I didn't want to be seen with Walt.

"They're taking a day off to work on stuff for the trainees." Jaz explained

"So, in other words they are ditching school to study." I summarized.

Jaz laughed a little at my comment then nodded, "Yeah, just things that Carter and Zia do as a couple. I know Carter says we shouldn't use magic out here but..." She put her hand on my shoulder again and muttered a spell and suddenly my clothes were as good as new, "You don't want to have to deal with Drew Tanaka." This is why everyone loves Jaz Anderson. She was an extremely good friend and can't stand seeing people sad. I wish that I had qualities like hers but I was just Sadie Kane, nothing special. That wasn't fully true since I am a magician, but I'm an unimportant magician.

I managed a small smile and stepped away from her umbrella to put my own up, "Thanks, Jaz. I owe you. And I mean it. I'll pay you back."

Jaz shook her head and waved me off, "Just try to have a good day, that will be enough payment." She gave me a blinding white smile and walked back to Walt who had just snapped out of a daze. There was laughter and another feeling of jealousy went through me. I turned around before I would begin to stare enviously. I was glad I did because when I looked in the direction of the school I saw Drew and her posse of plastic bags standing in the front like a few dolls in their casement. I felt absolutely numb as I walked to the school, people gave me looks that I was used to. It said, there's the girl everyone's talking about. Not in a good way though, for some reason people always talked about me like I was Hitler. I didn't get it. 

I walked past Drew's group, one girl tried to trip me by sticking her leg out 'innocently' so I have her a hard kick in the shin. Once I heard her cry out in pain and the mixture of laughter and angry shouting and swearing I continued to walk through the doors of the school. I walked down the halls with my head down not hoping to draw the attention of anyone. What I did was revenge, not a cry for attention. The more attention you get the more hurt you feel in the end. At least, that's how I saw it. I stopped by my locker putting my combination in it didn't work of course. I bit my lip to hold back a scream of frustration and then I tried again, this time putting more thought into it. It opened this time but there was a note on the inside, stuck to the inside of the door to my locker. With a shaky hand I picked up the note and read it slowly in my mind. It said, 'Sadie Kane. Your father requests for you to come to the underworld with your brother as soon as this letter is received. Your brother will get a similar letter but with a slight difference. Don't mention this part to your father. He sent me off to war because of our last encounters. I need you to know that I am weak, now. But, I promise you that we will meet again soon. And yes, soon. As in maybe a week or two. As annoying as you are, Lady Kane, I must admit I miss you. Until next time. -Anubis'

At first I thought this was a prank, a terribly accurate impersonation of Anubis, but then the note disappeared into mist. I felt myself smile at first, like an idiot then my expression dropped once I realized that he was sent to war because of me. I looked around before I saw that nobody was looking at me. I then slipped into the janitors closet and made a portal that led to Brooklyn House. With a slightly more positive attitude I stepped through the portal.

[I don't really like this chapter, but it'll get better I promise.]

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