Chapter 1: Sweet seventeen?

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bree, happy birthday to you."
I think his purpose was for me to wake up hearing his angelic singing voice, but I had already been perfectly awake for hours. It's hard to fall asleep in this hell house. All the walls and the roof creaks, not to mention the floor. The wood keeping this building upright has aged, and the cold, subtle breeze flows through the many cracks and holes. And it just so happens that Oli's and my room was the most damaged, (probably because we are the oldest 'children' left at this place.' I sat up, chuckling at Oli who was sitting at the end of my bed, baring a bright red gift with a white bow on top.

"Happy 17th birthday Bree" he smiled and handed me the present, his face was beaming with delight. I hadn't received a gift for donkeys years. Even on birthdays and Christmas'. I took the gift.
"Thank you Oli, you really didn't need to." I said
"Oh yes I did. You deserve this more then anyone here. Open it." Oli replied with.
A smile grew on my face from ear to ear as I started to unwrap the present. Underneath the wrapping paper were two things. Two! The first gift was a box of Milk chocolate and hazelnut truffles. I set it aside glancing up at Oli for a second giving him a 'omg you didn't buy me chocolate' type of look. I raised an eyebrow and he laughed.
"Keep going, there's one more thing left." He said. I could tell he was excited for the next one, it made me very curious.
Next to the chocolates was a box wrapped in newspaper. I slowly unwrapped it. My mouth dropped and tears were being formed in my eyes. Inside the box, was a shiny, silver necklace, the pendant was shaped in a heart. I've never seen anything like this in my life. I shifted myself over to where Oli was sitting and wrapped my arms around him into a tight hug.
"Open up the heart, Bree." He whispered
I let go and looked back down at the necklace. I then noticed that the heart was a locket. I clicked open the heart and inside was a photo. A photo of my mother, father, Oli, and myself. I looked up at Oli speechlessly. He took the necklace from me and turned me around. He lowered the necklace over my head and clicked the two chains at the back of my neck. I got up and looked in the mirror. Which by the way, was the most crappiest mirror I've ever seen. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and turned back around to Oli who was now standing behind me. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the top of my head.
"Meet me downstairs, okay?" Oli said.
I nodded, and he left the room closing the door behind him.

I wasn't to keen on turning 17. It meant that I had been here for 10 years now. And it's not something I like to be proud of. I've always hated the orphanage. It's always cold and it smells a bit funny. I walked down the stairs slowly, trying not to make much noise. I noticed a damp patch on the roof and a puddle below it, which I had just stepped into. "Great." I thought to myself. Another thing to clean up. I have to do everything around here, the cleaning, washing, sometimes the cooking. Only two people run this place, a husband and a wife. The husband, Paul, who I really really really hate. Is the most laziest, annoying-est, and meanest man I have ever met. He has never taken care of the children, he can barely take care of himself. He is also a very traditional man, if that's even what you call it. He believes that gay rights is complete bullshit, and that the men make the money, and the women do all the work. Which is why I ended up as housekeeper. Paul would never let Oli do the house cleaning, because he needs to learn to be a 'business man' when he's older. And all of the other children in the orphanage are below the age of 12. So he leaves the dirty work to me and Jane. Jane is Paul's wife. She is the most sweetest, most caring, and sympathetic lady ever. She has always been my best friend since I was admitted into the orphanage. I think she wants to divorce Paul, and run the orphanage on her own, which she is completely capable of doing. But Paul is a very stubborn man, and if she were to try and pull anything like that on him, he'd throw a huge hissy fit which could lead to violence. It's best not to get on his bad side. Which is why I'm trying to walk down the stairs as quietly as possible.

Paul is a very light sleeper, which is why I always try and wake up after he's already out of bed and walking aimlessly around the house. But no, Oli wants me downstairs half and hour to early. Paul normally wakes up around 9:30, but it was 9:02 in the morning. I make it downstairs with only one really loud creak made. I walked into the kitchen to find Oli cleaning all the dishes from last nights dinner!
"Oli, what are you doing?! If Paul wakes up and finds you doing this he'll be angry for the rest of the day!"
"Don't worry about it sweetheart, you worry about your special day." Says a familiar, humble voice behind me.
"Happy birthday Bree darling." Says Jane. She was smiling and had her arms open waiting for me to give her a hug. I walked over and did give her a hug. I smiled to myself, then let go from the embrace.
"Go on, sit down, I'll make breaky." Jane said, ushering me to the bar stool. I leaned my elbows on the table and smiled.
"Thank you guys, this is so amazing."
"Our pleasure, now would you like your eggs scrambled or fried?" Oli said looking at me all goofy like.
"Fried thanks, sunny side up if you wouldn't mind." I replied back with.
"Ooo, fancy" Oli said waving his spatula around in circles, trying to be sassy.
I laughed, and he laughed, so did Jane. I hadn't even been awake for more then an hour, and I already felt like my birthday was going to be a blast.

"Honestly guys," I started saying while propping my feet up on the chair next to me. "You guys have made my morning absolutely-"
I was cut off with a loud bang, then a creak, then a thud and another bang. The kitchen door swinged open, catapulting itself into the wall behind it, leaving a hole where the door knob hit. I tall, lean figure stood in the door way, with there arms crossed and heavily breathing with anger.
Should've touched wood.

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