Chapter 2: Birthday Bash

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I closed my eyes as panic flood through my vains. I took a couple deep breaths and opened my eyes, keeping my head down. I felt the presence of someone behind me, i looked up and Oli was by my side. I noticed his face was flushed red. He was angry.
"What the bloody fuck is going on!" Paul yelled.
Paul always scared me, I never showed him that, because I didn't want him to think he had all the power, but he did scare me.
"There is absolutely no need to be yelling Paul. This is completely inappropriate and unnecessary to be doing on this young girls' birthday!" Jane said back quietly but sternly.
I lifted my head to see Paul walking towards me.

"Why is she sitting here while you do the dishes, Oli? Why is she sitting here being a lazy bitch while you guys make breakfast. Why do you, Bree, think it's okay to just take the day off!"
Everyone was angry, except me. I had kind off taught myself to not get angry when Paul is in a bad mood. It's better to just not give him the response he's looking for. Oli stepped forward and Jane walked around the table so she was to the left of me. I looked at Paul blankly before saying:
"It wasn't my idea for this, i was coming downstairs to get started and i found Oli and Jane doing this already. It's my birthday Paul, I think it's okay to take a break and just enjoy my day, don't you think?"
This wasn't a good idea to say. Paul uncrossed his arms and put them on his hips. The veins in his head were poking out and it was really quite disgusting. Oli took another step forward.

"You need to back off Paul." Said Oli, now feeling very annoyed.
Paul pushed him to the side and stepped over to where I was still sitting. I immediately felt unsafe, and like I was in a really bad situation. Paul stood right in front of me, and grabbed my jaw with his hand, hoisting my chin up with force so I had to look at him.
"I honestly don't give two shits if it's your birthday or not. Don't you ever think that you can pull this move again. There are children and adults to feed, holes to be filled, and floors to be swept! Do you honestly think someone is going to want to adopt a lazy, non-committal slob like yourself? No, of course no one would! Do I make myself clear!"
I don't really say anything, I start to look at something else, something that will help me refocus. I grab my necklace that as been dangling around my neck and pull away from Paul's grip. I was going to stand up but he nudged me back down onto the chair and took a step back.
"Do you see this Jane, do you see the rudeness and attitude that's coming from this girl?"
Jane didn't say anything, she just stood there looking at Oli pleadingly. I grip hold of the heart pendant in my hand and take some deep breaths. Paul looks at me again and sees my necklace.
"Where did you get that filth!" He demands.
This made me really angry. How dare he. How fricking dare he. I've had enough of his shit. Isn't this supposed to be my birthday?

Paul grabs my wrist and open my hand to look at the pendant for himself. I drop my hands because I know fighting back will only make things worse. He leaned close to my face while inspecting the silver present. I smelt a familiar scent of alcohol from his lips. I rolled my eyes. Paul rips the necklace from my neck in one big tug. It frightens me. Tears start forming in my eyes. I look down to try and fight them back. I didn't want him to win. But I have had enough. I stood up and snatched the necklace back.
"Don't you dare, take anything form me like that again. You've completely ruined everything, Paul. I hope you fucking happy with yourself!"
And with that I turned around and walked out the door. I tried to ignore the screaming and the banging coming from the evil man behind me. I sort of ran up the stairs, and I started to cry. My vision became blurry and my mind went into a foggy haze. I couldn't think straight. I just kept going. I felt a forceful pull and I was stopped in my tracks. Paul gripped onto my arm and was yelling at me. I managed to free myself and ran to my room. Slamming the door behind me.

I hid the necklace under my pillow and sat on my bed crying. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. I tried to calm myself down, but it was almost impossible with the thunderous pounding that was out upon my bedroom door.
"Open this fucking door Bree! Your in some deep shit now sweetheart!"
'Why did you have to leave me mum.. dad? Why.. just why?' I thought to myself. The pounding on the door fell quiet. Thank god. Did he give up? Has he walked away? I pleaded with myself for this to be over.

Bang! My door flung open and a big steel pole was thrown at my feet. I heard multiple loud thuds coming up the staircase. I know this sounds cheesy but I need a saviour right now. Because I'm trapped..
"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Paul shook his head and grinned at me as he stepped through the bedroom door. I looked behind him and I saw a couple of the kids staring with there mouths dropped open at the scene. There was Bella and Oscar, Yousef and Indigo. Jane ushered them back into there rooms and closed the door. Oli fell around the corner and stood in the doorway, behind Paul.
"Paul, I don't know what your thinking, but your insane. You need to calm down and walk away. Go downstairs, take a nap, have a drink. Just please, don't hurt her." I looked at him desperately.
"Please Paul." I said. It came out a bit wobbly because I still hadn't controlled my breathing.
"Please just stop. I didn't do anything wrong. I promise I'll do better tommorow, I was stupid to think I could take the day off. I know I'm a stupid girl." I looked at him, and he looked at me, contemplating his next move.

Suddenly, Oli charged himself at Paul, turned him around and punched him square in the nose. He stumbled back and held his face in shock and anger.
"You fucking moron" Paul grimaced.
He threw himself at Oli, shoving him into the wall. Creating a loud thud.  Oli pushed him off and kicked him where it hurts. Paul clutched his hoo-haa and winced. I took a deep breath and so did Oli. I saw Jane standing in the hallway looking gobsmacked and I chuckled in the slightest way. But that feeling of slight happiness went away when Paul grabbed the steel pipe off the ground and swung it deep into Oli's guts. He fell to the floor holding his stomach and let out a cry of pain. Jane and I screamed in sync. Paul dropped the pipe and spat a gross ball of saliva at Oli. Who was dragging himself to the wall for support. I was frozen in place, paralysed with fear. All this because I didn't do the dishes? Didn't cook breakfast? Took not even half an hour to just relax and chat to my brother and friend on the morning of my birthday? My life is rubbish.

Paul yelled some gibberish and i stood up quickly in response. Before I could even flinch Paul walked towards me and i walked backwards until I was against my wall. He lunged himself at me pressing his hands against my neck. My back ached as it hit the hard wooden wall. I closed my eyes and tears rolled down my cheeks. He released his grip and i slowly sank to the ground. I looked up at him and I was met with terror. His arm slowly rose above his head, he stared at me in complete anger. Just before he swung his hand down to strike. I heard a bellowing scream come from the hallway. Soon Jane took hold of Paul arm and wrapped it around her waist. She kissed him so passionately. I never thought Jane would ever give Paul this much affection. But I knew what she was doing. I quickly stood up and ran out of the room. I needed to get out of this orphanage. I ran down the hall and into the children's room, where all of them where waiting patiently and silently on their beds. I sat against the wall with my knees up to my chin, and my head in my knees. I felt a light hug come from the right of me, I looked up and saw Indigo sitting next to me and looking at me like she was my own sister. I let her sit in my lap and we hugged it out. We hugged for what seemed forever. Indigo was always secretly my favourite. She was so caring and sweet-hearted. Oli came in after a while and Indigo left and sat on her bed. Oli sat next to me and we just sat there. Sat there and thought. Just sat there.

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