Chapter 6: The First Day

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As I walk through the big front gates of Grimshaw college, all the nerves and anxiety take over my positive thinking. I can feel the butterflies starting to move around in my stomach, and I can't help but think if nobody would like me. I don't have any strong memories of school. In the orphanage, I attended school up until I was 11, then Paul pulled me out so I could help Jane look after the house.

I go to the front office and pick up my timetable.
"Great.. English first.." I mutter to myself. English isn't my strong point, I really detest it.
But first, I've got homeroom. So I walk up to Classroom B-12 and slowly walk through the door.
The classroom is filled with lots of different people, all of which are already apart of strong friendship groups. I walk through the middle aisle of seats observing everyone.

At the front of the class are what look to be the nerds, or musicians, as I heard them talking about band club or something. I kept walking down and I saw a group of very emo and gothic boys, of which one of them winked at me, which is very odd. Then I assume we're some gamers, as they were talking about a new release of Mario Bros. Then I got
to the back of the class. To my left, were the obvious jocks/popular hot guys of the school. One of them really caught my eye. He has a really really cute face. He's got the right nice length of long brown hair. His eyes looked at if they were sparkling with hazel glitter. His jawline was sharp, smile was gentle and he had really cute dimples.

As I was mesmerising this masterpiece of a human being I noticed someone was trying to grab my attention.
"Hey.. are you the new girl here?" A girl to my right asked me.
To my right looked to be the very obvious pretty popular girls. I didn't know whether to avoid them in case they turned out to be horrible bitches, or to take the chance and possibly make some new friends.
"Um.. yes that's me, is it that obvious?" I replied.

"Yeah.. you look kind of lost sweetie, it's okay, we can show you around if you'd like?" The girl asked.

"Yeah that would be really cool, thank you" I said smiling at her.

"Your welcome" she smiled back. "So my name is Rachael, and this is my group." She started pointing to each of the girls, starting from the left. As she said there names, they each took it in turns to introduce themselves.

"I'm Bethany, but obviously they just call me Beth. I love cheerleading, but I'll never be as good as Rachael." She frowned slightly.

"Hi, I'm Sydney. I take pride in my appearance as you can see. We are totally going shopping later and I'm totally going to get you to sign up for the cheerleading squad."

"Haha guess I'm lucky last eh? I'm Kiara, and it's so nice to meet you. If you ever need help with anything at all don't be afraid to ask me, I'll always be here if you need a helping hand."

"Thank you guys for everything." I say to all of them. I can't believe I've made friends with the popular girls here, this is insane.

"Uhm, sorry sweetie, but what's your name?" Rachael says.

"Right, sorry, I'm Bree." I reply.

Everyone smiles at me and I sit down next to Rachael, just as our home room teacher walks in. He starts marking the roll.
"I saw you looking over at the boys over there, who you fancy already?" Rachael whispers.

"Omg you saw me, I'm not really good at his am I?" I laugh

"Oi, quiet back there, so very rude to talk over me while I'm doing attendance!" The teacher yells in our direction.

"Anyways, who you like the look of?" Rachael continues.

"Uhm, I was looking at the guy in the middle of the group. The guy with the long with not long-long brown hair. The tanned guy in the middle with the dimples and the hazel eyes." I whispered back.

"Ohh you mean Ethan. Yeah he's so dreamy. I practically drool when I see him. He's quarterback for the football team. He's really good." Rachael says.

"Wow, he must be amazing. Speaking of, are you a cheerleader to?"

"Yes, I'm the captain. The squad at the moment is Myself, Kiara, Bethany, Sydney and two other girls in another homeroom, Eliza and Kelly. We aren't friends with them though. They are really weird. You should totally try out for the team!" Rachael says.

"Oh I don't know about that." I argue.

"To bad, your one of us now, so you have to try out. It's initiation." Rachael chuckled.

After homeroom, I went to English with Kiara, who was in my class aswell. I then had History, Maths, Science and health studies. After the last bell rang, all of us girls met at the assigned meeting tree and we exchanged numbers.

"I can't thank you guys enough for looking after me. I was really nervous today but you guys made it 1000 times better." I say thankfully.

"It's really not a problem. We are glad to have met you" Sydney says, smiling.

"Yeah, it was so nice to meet a new face." Says Bethany.

We all sit down under the tree and chat for a long time. Each of my new friends tell me about funny stories and the hot gossip of the school. They tell me who to talk to and who to avoid, and who to fancy and who not to crush on. The conversation changed when Kiara asked me a question.

"So Bree, what's your story?"

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"Like, what's your life story. Like I was born here, then put up for adoption. I was adopted when I was 4, and I've been in an amazing family since. Now I want to become a makeup artist. That's my story, so what's yours?" Kiara says. I'm not sure why she is so eager to know about me, but I really wasn't intending on telling anyone my story. I'd rather keep it to myself. But I guess I can tell them the basics?

"Well I was adopted aswell. I was put into the orphanage when my parents died in a car crash. My older brother, Oli, was adopted by a different family a little bit ago, and I haven't seen him since. But I'm sure he's fine." I say to the group.

"Didn't Oli keep in touch with you?" Rachael asks.

"Nope, he told me everything would be alright, but he hasn't even texted, let alone called." I say sadly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it would make you emotional." Kiara said apologetically.

"Nah it's totally fine, don't even w- oh sorry guys, I see my dads pulling up, gotta go." I get up and give everyone a hug.

"Bye guys!" I say waving goodbye.

"See ya Bree" the girls wave back.

I hop into the car and drive away. I immediately tell my parents about the amazing day I had and who I met. They are so happy for me.
"See, this school isn't so bad." Damien said.

"Yeah it definitly isn't. Oh and by he way, I saw this really hot boy today."

"Boy?!" My parents exclaim.

I laugh.
"Yes, but don't even worry about it, I haven't even talked to him yet, he probably didn't even notice me."
As we drive on I look out the window. We pass these amazing big rich houses, then we drive over a bridge.
When we get to the end of the bridge, there's a park, with a park bench. We drive by slowly as there is a speed bump, and I notice a person sleeping on the park bench, and can't help but notice that the person looks oddly familiar. Then it hits me.

"Stop the car!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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