Chapter 4: A second chance

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Every now and then, strange things can happen, whether they are an absolute miracle, or a horrific tragedy. That's life I suppose. I had to drive Oscar, a 9 year old boy to the hospital today because he fell out of a tree in the backyard and landed on his elbow funny.

We got out of the car and had a long and difficult walk to the front desk. I told them his details and what happened and we were sent to sit in the waiting room. I love the kids section of the hospital because they have a giant aquarium in the centre of the waiting room which is filled with brightly coloured fish. We sat down right in front of the aquarium and waited.

"How king do we have to wait Bree, my arm really hurts." Oscar said, feeling exhausted.

"I have no idea, sorry buddy. We could be here for a couple minutes, or up to an hour. They'll come get us soon, and if they don't I'll go up and ask them to let us go through, okay?" I said rubbing his back.

He nodded, and continued to occupy himself. Oscar is on of the smartest children we have at the orphanage. While all the kids are playing with toys or running around outside, Oscar prefers to sit inside in front of the fireplace reading 'Guinness World Record' books, and books filled with facts about animals and the earth. He loves to share his knowledge with everyone at the orphanage. It's absolutely gorgeous.

"Bree look! That fish there is called a parrot fish! Did you know that in the wild, a parrot fish will make a protective bubble for it to sleep in made out of its own snot!?" Oscar said pointing to the parrot fish hiding under a rock.

"Ewwww, that's disgusting! How'd you know that?" I replied with, trying to keep him occupied.

"I read a book about marine life and the ocean. And last night I watched an ocean documentary by David Attenborough! You should watch one with me next time."

"That's great bud, and maybe next time I'll watch one with you." I said.

For a while we waited, until we heard Oscar's name called out and we walked through the doors, which lead to the children wards, Oscar was still holding his arm up with ice. He sat down on the bed and the nurse introduced herself.

"Hey Oscar, I'm Mary, I'm going to look after you today, is that okay?"

Oscar nodded. Mary turned to me and asked what happened. I said that Oscar was playing with his friends for once outside, and they decided to climb the tree, and Oscar unfortunately was the one to fall out. And he has landed on his elbow in a weird way. The nurse wrote things down on a clip board and said that she'll get him a drink of water and that she will organise some X-rays to be done right away. After a while Oscar was wheeled into the X-ray room. Short time later, we got the results back and I was told that he has a minor fracture in his elbow. The nurses wrapped his arm up in a plaster cast and finished it off with a sling. Oscar needs to return to the hospital at the end of the week for an operation.

When we got home, I told Oscar to sit down and watch tv. I walked up to mine and Oli's room to find that all of Oli's stuff was packed. He had 2 suitcases packed to the brim and closed barely, just sitting on his bed. I walked downstairs and into the office to find Oli sitting on the chair against the wall, and Jane sitting behind the desk with forms in front of her. Signing the papers, were a man and a woman. My heart started to pound and I took a few step back out of the office and fumbled a bit on a wonky piece of the floor. Oli saw me and he began to cry. He came over and led me away from the office and into the kitchen, where he sat me down on a bar stool and told me to take big breaths. I couldn't, I knew what has happened. I started to cry and freak out.

"Oli! You c-can't leave me! P-please don't leave me! You can't! You c-can't go!" I screamed into his shoulder.

"I know Bree, I already asked if they were looking for 2 people. but they already have 3 children at home. I'm so sorry Bree, I'm so so sorry." Oli said apologetically.
I didn't forgive him though, they were going to take my brother away from me. Adopt him into a family and leave me behind.

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