Chapter 5: Battle of the rings

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This was the best car ride I have ever experienced. Damien, Jack and I talked about our lives. I told them how I ended up in the position I was in. We laughed, gossiped, gave advice. It was so comforting. I've never connected with two people more than these two men who just adopted me almost 46 minutes ago. As we drove into what I'm guessing was my new town, I took in my surroundings. It was very modern, and clean. Looked to be a very popular place to live. We drove by a big plot of land. Sat on top of this vast green field was a huge modern building, with lots of little things here and there.

"This Bree, will most likely be the high school we enrol you to. Grimshaw College." Said Damien as he looked out the window.

"The teaching level is meant to be very high, I've also been recommended to send you to this school for a while. Do you like the look of it?" Damien continued.

"Yes, it looks very nice. But how would you be recommended this school if you only have just adopted me?" I said questioningly.
Damien turned around and gave me a sweet smile, his dimples so recognisable that they seemed to be leaping right off his cheeks.

"Oh love, we've been wanting to adopt a child for years now." Damien said softly.

We kept driving a little bit further, until we swiftly pulled up into a driveway and parked underneath the house in the garage. I got out of the car and took one suitcase with me, Jack carried the other. I walked up the steps and waited out the front door. This was it. I was so excited. Damien gave me a warm hug before unlocking the door and swinging it open, revealing what was now my new home.

I stepped inside and put my suitcases against the wall. My new parents started to give me a quick tour of the house. We walked through the living room, dining room and kitchen, which was all a very open space. They showed me their room, which had an ensuite. There was also a spare room and a bathroom as well. We walked outside, and I saw that there was a deck that covered majority of yard, as well as a pool/spa area, and a BBQ station. Lastly, they took me to my bedroom door.

"Open the door, love." Jack said excitingly.

I opened the door expecting to see a bedroom, but instead I was met with the start of a staircase. I was so confused.

"Go up the stairs." Jack said giggling to himself.

I started walking up the narrow staircase, that spiralled around into a circle. When I got to the top, my jaw dropped. The staircase lead straight into my bedroom. No door, no hallway. It was just a staircase, then my room. I was speechless. This was absolutely amazing. My bed was a double, which had a really cute bed cover which had been patterned to look like white marble. My walls were a light grey colour and the floor was the softest off brown carpet. The wardrobe had been built into the wall, and when I opened the doors, I discovered it was a walk in closet. There was also a really cute bathroom, a desk area and a blank wall, which I planned to fill in with photos over time. I turned around and gave Damien and Jack a group hug. I was so happy.

"Thank you so much! This is amazing. Best room I have ever had."

"No need to thank us, Love. It's our pleasure" Damien said with his hand in my shoulder.

Soon, both of them retreated down the stairs to let me settle in and put my stuff away. I hung up my clothes and stored my shoes, put some picture frames on the bedside table, and my laptop on the desk. I laid down on my bed and just took all of this in. If Jane saw all of this I know she would cry. I already miss Jane, I hope she'll be okay. I plan on heading back to the orphanage at some point just to surprise her. I also need to head back there in a few months or so, as I need to attend Paul's trial in court. I'm not looking forward to seeing that scumbaggy grin on his disgusting face. Once that's over I never want to see him again. I don't know how long I was thinking for, it must of been a while. It was just relaxing to be able to zone out and think about things I haven't thought about for a while.

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