Say It

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Just something short to pass the time. Will continue the other one as soon as my mind starts working. I wrote this a week ago.


"Open your eyes!!"


"Hanji, for God sakes. DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES."

I finally realized where I was. I could see Titans all around us being killed.

"Damn. Sorry Levi."

"Shut up four eyes. We are gonna get you out of here."

I couldn't feel my legs or my left arm. I felt a shark on the side of my stomach.

"I'm sorry Levi."

I felt Levis arms get tighter around me. I could feel it, my life slowly slipping away. I looked to the side and noticed it. The big gash on the side of my stomach. Blood and intestines weren't where they were suppose to be.

"H-Hanji. Stay with me, they are almost done."

"Shut up midget. I-it's the end of the road for me."

I tried to sound cheerful in my last dieing breaths. I felt liquid seep onto my cheek and saw Levi was crying. I was gonna say it.

"I Love you Levi."

I did it.

"Hanji?? HANJI?? I LOVE YOU TOO!!"



Shit, what the fuck.

I felt sweat dripping down my forehead and I felt a hand on my forehead.

"Levi, are you okay? That sounded like some dream."

Hanji. I was laying on Hanjis lap under a huge tree. I looked around and saw we were in a park.

I looked up into her eyes and felt her warm hands wipe away my sweat. I grabbed the back of her head and pushed it down gently towards mine.

Her lips met mine and she relaxed into the kiss. After a few seconds I let go and kissed her hand.

"I love you Hanji."

"Hehe, I love you too silly."

Levihan OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now