Our Child

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hikaruisproudofyou asked for a Levihan fic about their child in Undyling Love so I thought it was a good idea. I did make a previous chapter about Hanji being pregnant so I thought you can take it from that story or Undying Love or even both. XD
When their child was born, Levi was crying like no tomorrow. He was crying more then me, and I was the one giving birth to the child.

We had a baby girl. We didn't want to know the gender until the baby was born. We decided on the name Hannah if it was a girl. Hannah Josephine Ackerman. Josephine was Levis grandmothers name.

"She looks just like you Levi. You both will probably have the same scowl." I laughed.

Levi just smirked, snickering through his tears.

"She's so beautiful Hanji."

I could tell Levi was so far gone. His eyes were filled with happiness and tears of joy.

I felt tired and decided that it was time to take a nap. 6 hours of pushing and I felt like I needed a thousand years of sleep.

"Levi, I'm gonna take a nap. Are you okay with staying up."

"Of course, you did so great babe."

Levi kissed my forehead and I kissed Hannah on her little button nose.
4 years later...

"Hannah, could you please get mommy her purse?"

You could hear little feet pattering on the wood floor, it stopped then started running toward Hanji.

"Here you go mommy!!"

Hannah was a beautiful little girl. She had black hair like Levi, tied in two braids down her back.

"Dear, what did we say about running in the house."

"That I could trip and hurt myself. I'm sorry momma."

"Don't worry honey. Levis more worried. I was the same as you, just be careful okay?"

Hanji pulled Hannah's face into her hand and kissed her forehead. She let her go pulled her self up from the chair, putting her hand on her oversized belly.

Levi was ecstatic when he learned Hanji was pregnant again. After Hannah turned 3, Levi wanted to have another already but Hanji wanted to wait. Just remembering having birth again made her head spin.

Now she was pregnant again. It took longer than we thought but turned out, Hanji was gonna have twins. Levi cried just like the first time.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

It made me cry and I put my hands on to Levis shoulder. He stood to hug me.

"Hannah's gonna be so happy. She always wanted a little brother or sister. Now she's getting 2 new siblings."

"I love you so much Hanji."

"I love you too."

Hanji walked to the kitchen when she suddenly felt a pressure from the inside of her stomach. She moved her hand to her belly and felt a kick.

"Hannah darling, come here. Don't rush dear."

Hannah came walking into the kitchen with her doll in hand, a monkey.

"Give me your hand."

She put her hand out and I put it onto the area the baby was kicking. When I felt it, she jumped a little.

"What was that mommy?"

"That was your baby brother or sister."

"I can't wait for them to be born. I'm gonna be the best big sister!"

She hugged Hanji, putting her ear onto her belly. She tried listening, hoping for some noise.

"I'm home."

Levi's voice echoing through the house.


Levi came into view catching Hannah into his arms.

"How's my little angel?"

"I'm great Daddy!"

Levi kissed her on the cheek before putting her down. He walked up to Hanji to kiss her.

"And how is my darling wife?"

"I'm good. One of the babies kicked just a few seconds ago."

Levi put his hand on her belly. They both smiled at each other. They were lost in each others presence and went to sit down in living room couch, Hannah sitting on Levi.

They sat there a while watching television, one of Hannah's favorite cartoons.

Levi had just basked in the feeling of happiness. There was always fear in the back of his mind that this could all be taken away from him but he would do everything not to let that happen.

The end

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