Part Three

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Lasgalen was cursing softly in elvish as she watched the dwarves being tied up and cooked. She made sure her sword and arrows were ready to be fired when Bilbo jumped up and started spewing things. She finally sighed and got up. She walked into the clearing calmly. Every eye turned to her as she glared at the trolls.

"Look there!" One said. "We got ourselves an elfling!"

"Not just any elf." Another told him, watching Lasgalen. "She's royal!"

"That she is." The oldest said. "Who be your parents?"

She glared at pulled out an arrow, stringing it. He picked up Kili and held him above the fire.

"You shoot, he dies."

She clenches her jaw before lowering the bow. They laughed but she smirked as she spotted Gandalf's gray robes. The younger one turned to her and the smirk dropped.

"An elf fond of a dwarf!" He said, laughing.

Before she could say anything, Gandalf broke the stone and they were dead. She breathed a sigh of relief as Gandalf came down to stand in front of her. She sent him a short nod before moving past everyone and using elf grace to jump to the top of the stone. She looked around and jumped down as she walked to the cave. She waited for the dwarves and they all looked at her as they passed. She walked inside and recoiled slightly. That retched smell.... She shook her head and walked deeper into the tunnel. Thorin watched as she kneeled besides a small wicker basket.

He walked over and she glanced at him before she unclipped the latch and lifted the lid. She gasped as the white jewels winked at her. Thorin looked at them in awe. She put her hand on them. She picked up a gem and it shone in the light as she tilted it in her pale hands. Thorin looked at them and her soft voice entered his ears.

"The white gems of Lasgalen." She whispered. "What I was named after.... the heirlooms of our people."

He watched as she placed the gem back in the basket and smiled softly. Gandalf walked over to her, carrying a satchel.

"Here you are, my lady."

She put the gems in the satchel and put them over her shoulder so that it bounced on her hip lightly. She then walked out of the cave. Thorin and Gandalf followed the company outside and began speaking. Suddenly, a man bursts into the clearing.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" He yells.

Lasgalen frowns at the smell wafting from the man. He looks at her and bows.

"My lady of Greenwood!" He exclaims. "I apologize deeply."

"For what?" She asks, her frown growing deeper.

He opens his mouth, then closes it. She glares at him and turns away as Gandalf pulls him away from the company. Everyone watched the royal elf but she didn't say anything nor did she look at them. But when the wargs jumped out, she spun around and her arrow landed in it's head. Her horse neighed as he ran over to her. She jumped onto it's back and looked at Gandalf.


He nodded and she raced off. They all looked at each other before they ran.


The company slid into the hole when horns began to blow. An arrow whizzed through the air, killing an orc and it slid into the crevice. Lasgalen dropped down soon after, her arrow aimed at the air. She shot again and they heard a cry. She smirked before grabbing onto a branch and yanked herself up again. Soon, another orc dropped down and hoof beats ran off. Thorin took the arrow out of the second orc and glared.

Royaltyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें