Part Six

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Lasgalen and the company were now standing before the Master of Laketown because of their idiocy to steal weapons. She was ignoring everyone as the pain in her leg increased. Suddenly, Bard began yelling as he came into the crowd.

"Death! That is what you will bring upon us. Dragon-fire and ruin. If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all."

Everyone begins to whisper as they think about it.

"You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this; If we succeed, all will share in the wealth of the mountain. You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!" He yells to the people.

The argument goes on a while until the master speaks up. He accepts the quest and they all cheer. But Lasgalen is afraid that she won't be able to make it to the mountain. Not like this... not without Gandalf.


Sadly, Lasgalen was right. Thorin would not allow her onto the boat. Kili felt that it was his fault. If she had not taken the arrow for him, he would be the one in her place. So he climbs from the boat and runs to her side. Oin follows and so does Fili. Thorin looks at the elf who took his heart and sees her blue eyes rise to meet his. He feels a pang of guilt but does not call her back. As they ride away in the boat, Bofur shows up. He sighs but looks at the remaining members of the company.

"Ah! So you missed the boat as well?"

Lasgalen goes limp in the company's arms.

"Lasgalen? Lasgalen!"


They arrive at Bard's house with Lasgalen holding onto the railing, trying to keep her eyes open. He hesitates to allow them inside but eventually does. Bard takes her to the bed and lies her down. She clenches her fists in the sheets as the pain hits her again. Kili and Fili are worried for the elleth.

"Can you not do something?!" Fili asks Oin.

"I need herbs, something to bring down her fever."

Bard pulls out herbs from a sack. "I have nightshade, feverfew..."

"They're no use to me. Do you have any Kingsfoil?" Oin asks.

Bard looks confused. "No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs."

"Pigs? Weed? Right." Bofur looks at Lasgalen. "Don't move."

"Go to Hell." She snarls.

"At least she still has the attitude." Fili says, trying to make things better.


Soon enough, things go very much awry. Orcs. The devils themselves are now here. As the dwarves fight, someone else joins in. Another Orc leaps to the balcony in front of the house, but suddenly, Tauriel appears and stabs it in the throat with her knife. She pulls out her other knife as well, and begins killing the Orcs in the house. Legolas jumps in through one of the holes in the roof. He too begins killing Orcs. An Orc approaches Kili and grabs him by the wounded leg. As Kili screams in pain, Tauriel throws her knife and it plunges into the Orc's throat. Legolas and Tauriel slay Orcs left and right. As an Orc runs at them, Fili grabs Bain and forces him down.

Tauriel kills the Orc, then turns to kill another one. Lasgalen stabs the Orc as well with the knife Tauriel had thrown earlier, and they together kill the Orc. But then, Lasgalen falls over onto the floor, howling in pain, and Tauriel looks at her in worry. Legolas kneels next to her and sees the black poison crawling up her leg and through her blood. The pair of elves look at each other before Tauriel takes the Kingsfoil and looks to her prince. He nods and picks up his sister. They get her to the table and she screams again.

"Hold her down." Tauriel orders.

Legolas nods and pins her shoulders to the table. Tauriel walks over and presses the Kingsfoil to her leg. Lasgalen screams as Legolas holds her down. The she-elf begins to chant.

"Menno o nin na hen i eliad annen annin, hen leitho o ngurth. (May the blessing that was given to me be sent from me to her, may she be released from death)."

Lasgalen begins to calm and her hands slowly go limp. She breaths in and out slowly. Legolas looked at Tauriel and she smiled at him. Lasgalen mumbled elvish under her breath. The pair of elves allow the female to rest and Legolas lets go of her shoulders. He looked at Tauriel with a thankful smile and she nodded. No matter what Thranduil said, Legolas would help his sister with anything and everything. Suddenly, said sister bolted upright with a gasp. She snapped her head around and threw her arms around her brother.

"You daft idiot!" She said. "Father will have your head."

He shrugged and hugged her once more before the whole town shook. Lasgalen's eyes grew very wide as she opened the door and looked out. With her elf hearing, she could hear the voice of the thing she feared the most.

"I am fire." Smaug said as he flew closer. "I am.... DEATH."


Lasgalen had sent her brother off to find the orcs while her and Tauriel took the remaining dwarves and the children out of the town. The red haired elleth was very helpful to the still healing princess. Smaug blew a spray of fire over the town, causing people to scream as they burned to death. Bain then jumped from the boat.

"Bain!" The people on the boat yelled.

Lasgalen jumped from the boat and used the planks floating on the lake to run after him. She grabbed his coat and spun him around.

"What are you doing?!" She asked.

He showed her the arrow and she sighed.

"Go back to the boat."


She glared but let him run after her as she ran to the bell tower they finally got up to the top and Lasgalen gave Bard the arrow.

"Kill that dammed thing." She snapped at him.

He nodded and used Bain as a bow to fire the shot. Lasgalen was holding her breath as she waited for the shot to be fired. The arrow flew through the air and hit the dragon. It went through the chink in his armor, right into his heart. The dragon gasped as he clawed for breath, climbing into the sky clumsily. He took one last breath before he fell to the lake below. Lasgalen sighed and helped Bard and Bain get down from the tower and to the townsfolk that were left.


Lasgalen found her brother and Tauriel and threw her arms around the pair. Legolas held her as Tauriel said goodbye to Kili. Lasgalen wiped her face before kissing her brother's cheek. An elven guard rode closer. As he told Legolas that Tauriel was banished, the royal twins gawked. Lasgalen looked at the guard after Legolas walked away.

"Tell my father that I am going to be in Dale. I will meet him there, if he agrees to come."

The guard nodded and rode off. Shine neighed as she trotted over to her rider.

"You came back." Lasgalen said with a smile. "Let's go."


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