Chapter Eight: Dark Days are Coming!

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"I can't believe that evil Bellatrix Lestrange is coming to Hogwarts," Hermione said fearfully.

"Me neither," Ron said. "But I'm sure your father knows what he's doing. He'll probably find some way to keep her out."

Hermione smiled gratefully at him, feeling much more reassured.

How does that boy do it? Hermione thought. Somehow he always knows what to say.
The five friends chatted a while longer. Thankfully, neither Harry nor Ron brought up the theatre club incident from earlier.

After fifteen minutes of talking, it was time for dinner. The five sat next to each other and continued chatting. Across the cafeteria, Hermione noticed Luna looking at her.

"You okay?" Luna mouthed.

Hermione nodded, smiling at her.

Luna smiled back.


Her attention was brought back to her Gryffindor friends.

"Sorry, I was distracted," she said politely.

"I said we should find out if anyone at Hogwarts is working with Bellatrix Lestrange," Harry said. "The Reverend told us for a reason, and we've got to help protect Hogwarts from the evils of atheism! That's what the Lord would want."

"Yes, of course. Who did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking about the Hufflepuffs, ya know, since they're the most liberal."

"Or the Slytherins," suggested Dean Thomas eloquently, without mispronouncing a single word. "I mean, Voldemort was a Slytherin hat, so they may be working with him."

"And I was thinking since Ravenclaw girls are really oppressed, they are pretty likely to become feminists," Draco added.

"Very insightful suggestions, Dean Thomas and Draco. We'll try to find out what we can about both hats."

"I checked out Hogwarts: A Holy History yesterday from the library, and it's the latest edition," Hermione said. "Perhaps we could find something to help us there."

"Ron, you used to be a Slytherin," Dean Thomas said perceptively. "Did you know anyone who acted like they might support Voldemort?"

"I don't think so," Ron answered thoughtfully. "My family hates Voldemort. They think he's a disgrace to the hat. And I didn't have any other Slytherin friends, because I was mostly friends with you three."

"I see," Dean Thomas said knowledgeably. "So we don't know for sure if any Slytherins are secretly atheists."

"Don't worry, friends!" Harry declared bravely. "I'm certain the Lord will guide us in our quest!"

After dinner, Hermione went to her dorm and got her copy of Hogwarts: A Holy History. She met with Ron, Harry, Draco and Dean Thomas in the Gryffindor commons. She opened it to the section on Slytherins.

"The Slytherin Hat represents those who have a strict belief in the Bible, but also in their own book of rules. They follow the guidance of a council of other Slytherin Hats."

"We already know all that, skip ahead!" Harry said.

Hermione flipped through the chapter, looking for anything about Voldemort.

No, nothing yet... Hermione thought.

"Some of the most notorious atheists in America, such as Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, were mostly Slytherin hats, and a certain group that included the two were expelled in 2001 (their fifth year) for engaging in sinful acts and possessing demonic items."

There's something...

"The group was called the 'Cult of Silence' because their first sinful act was starting a petition to bring a 'Day of Silence' to Hogwarts to support people of the LGBT+ community, and they were all edgy teenagers."

"That's terrible!" Harry shouted. "Who would want to support such a horrible sin?!"

"This awful 'Cult of Silence' apparently would," Draco said grimly.

"What other bad things did they do?" Ron asked curiously.

"It says here that some of them were actually members of the LGBT+ community, and Bellatrix reportedly had multiple female partners during her time at Hogwarts. When they were expelled, Bellatrix and Voldemort were dating, and they confessed to doing drugs, fornicating, and not believing in God."

Their investigation was cut short by a school-wide announcement that every student and staff member must report to the Great Hall immediately.

The four students filed into the Great Hall, and they talked about why they were going there.

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