Chapter Fourteen: Randomness overload!

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WARNING: Rawr >:3 randomness

She didn't see Brie for the rest of the class. When Hermione, Ron, Harry,  Dean Thomas, and Draco went to lunch, they saw Brie sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"Hey, guys," Brie said.

"Hi, Brie," Ron and Hermione said to her, while Harry just nodded, and Dean Thomas and Draco waved.

"Um, how was-," Hermione began nervously, but Brie cut her off.

"Oh, you mean when I was sent to Reverend Dumbledore's office?"


"I just gained an appreciation for Gryffindor values."

"You did?" Dean Thomas asked eloquently.

"Yes, I did."

Harry looked as if he hit a homerun at the World Series. "This is great news!"

"Glad you're starting to adjust, Brie," Ron said with a friendly smile. "So, you changed your mind about being a liberal?" Ron asked.

"Yep," Brie responded.

Hermione looked a bit skeptical. "How did you adjust so... quickly?"

"Oh, er-"

"Who cares? She's finally an official Gryffindor!" Harry shouted joyfully.

Hermione smiled, but she still was a little suspicious on the inside.

That night, Ron and Hermione met on the roof.

"Hi, Ron," Hermione greeted him.

"Hey, Hermione." Ron leaned against the railing. "Some day, huh?"

"Yeah... How do you think Brie changed so quickly? I mean, she's just very stubborn and opinionated. I don't see how it's possible for her to change just like that."

"I know. I didn't want to say anything at the time. Harry probably would've started lecturing again... but it is really strange how she just suddenly started acting like a Gryffindor out of nowhere."

"Do you think she's just faking it?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"It doesn't seem like her to do that, though."

"Yeah... This whole thing is pretty weird."

"You can say that again."

Ron nodded. They sat together in silence for a bit before Ron spoke up again. "Do you think it's really fair to make people convert to Gryffindor?"

"No," Hermione answered. "I mean, what if it was another hat that everyone was forced to convert someone to, and Gryffindors were one of the hats that had to give up one of their followers?"

"Exactly!" Ron sounded relieved. "I'm glad you feel the same way."

"Too bad God would smite us all with His fiery wrath if we didn't."

"But that part doesn't make any sense, either. The Slytherins and Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs are all Christians, too. So why should they have to be converted?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I don't get it, either."

"It's all so confusing. When did things get so complicated?"

"I don't know," Hermione shrugged. "I guess that's the thing about getting older. Things about you change, like your point of view, for instance, and nothing makes sense."

"Yeah, but everyone else isn't even giving it a second thought," Ron replied. "None of them think any of this is strange at all."

"We used to be like that, you know."

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