Part 1

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Usually on a casual Friday night I should be going out with friends and enjoying myself or that's what I'm 'suppose' to do. Instead of wearing inappropriate dresses and drinking my lungs out, I'm sitting on my twin bed with a nice quick read with my favorite tea.

I'm home alone tonight because my parents work nights on Fridays and my brother is out with his varsity team for some celebration. Of coarse I was invited, but decline because I knew better than to get wasted.

I snuggled into my blanket and let out a small moan. I love the quietness, the peace. No one here to bother me. I can finally relax after a long week of work. I placed my cup of tea down on my night stand and opened my book up to my favorite chapter. I read this book a thousand times. Literally. It's one of my go to read when I'm bored or just wanna get in some fake drama. It's a romance about a young man falling in love with twin sisters. The chapter I'm about to read is the girl he picks. When I first read the book I hoped he picked Ann and not Mitchell because both seem to have this connection. And in surprise he did, Mitchell moved on, and they had a happily ever after. Do people even call it that anymore? Do happy endings even exist? I shrugged at the thought as I skimmed through the pages.

After about an hour of reading I heard the front door open with fits of laughter and talking. Come on, Vincent. I hate it when he brings his immature friends over. They better not be drunk. I got up and placed my book into my vintage bookshelf before grabbing my empty cup to refill it down stairs. I open my door and made my way downstairs. Sure enough, all of them were located in the living room, yelling and laughing. I swear they're louder than the entire neighborhood.

I walked past them, hoping they won't notice my presence, but stupid Vincent just had to yell my name out. "Sadie Mae!" He hiccuped as he made his way over to me, tripping a couple of times. I rolled my eyes, hoping he didn't take my car out instead of his. Vic slugged his arm over me and gave me a nuzzle. I pushed him off of me, making him tumble to the floor. I gave a small laugh before helping him up. "Did you drive?" I asked. He shook his head smiling.

"Goody goody, Wilder did." He slurred as he pointed towards Max. Of coarse he wouldn't be drinking. Note the sarcasm. Maximus Wilder is the wild one or that's what all the girls in high school said. Man, that was so long ago. I haven't seen Max in so long. Well, occasionally. But that's only when he hung around Vincent. I remember how most girls would beg just for a glance. He had the looks, not the personality.

Wilder glanced up from his phone and smiled. "Sure did. I'm the only responsible one." He gloated. I raised my eyebrows. "Of all people." I muttered as I continued my journey to the kitchen. "Heard that." He yelled. I rolled my eyes. When I walked into the kitchen Chance was leaning against the counter, on his phone. His eyebrows were squinted which made him look adorable.

Okay, I guess you could say I had or still have a crush on Chance. I remember blushing when he laughed at my jokes or even look at my directions. Out of all of Vincent friends, Chance was the kindest and sweetest. I know that he didn't drink tonight because he grew up knowing better or at least that's what he told me. I liked him since my junior year of high school. He was graduated by then, but that didn't stop me.

He looked up and smiled. "Hey Mae." He greeted. He never called me by my full name, he says it's too long. I gave him a wave in return. "Hey." I walked past him and took out my kettle. I turned the sink on and filled it with warm water. After, I turn the burner and waited a second before putting the kettle on. I jumped onto the counter and took my phone out. Now, I just have to wait. Won't take too long.

I decided to scroll through my Instagram feed. Nothing. Probably because I don't post anything. I only have it to message my friends. One of them don't have service. I clicked my phone off and glanced at Chance. He had his back towards me. He was wearing a plain white t shirt with a plaid button down over it. He looked like a lumberjack. I giggled and he turned around and smiled.

"You laughing at me?" I gave a small laugh and shook my head. "Never." I snickered. Chance gave me a look before turning around. "I don't look like a lumberjack. It's casual." He remarked as he looked down his attire. "Guess I said it out loud." I nervously laughed.

"Yup." He replied making his way up to me. He lifted himself up onto the counter, sitting right next to me. "Bad habit of yours." He commented as he shifted his face so he was look at me. I gave him a playful punch. "I don't do it always."

"Remember the time you confessed your love for me during football practice? I was sitting on the benches, you were behind in the bleachers and then all of the sudden you said 'gosh Chance, why can't you be ugly? I wish you were ugly so I could stop loving you'. You were so embarrassed and said it was an accident before running off." How could I forget that moment. I was so young and in that crushing stage that I thought every boy that was cute, I suddenly loved them. Well, I still like a Chance.....that's not the point. I couldn't confront him until he came over and we talked about it.

"Stop reminding me...." I blushed as I looked down. "Haha, chill. I thought it was cute." Again I blushed. He always will have this affect on me. No matter what I do. Chance is my high school crush. "Yeah cause drooling on yourself is cute." I mumbled.

"That's new. I didn't know you did that too." He laughed as he gave me a side hug. "Mae, you crack me up." He continued to laugh as I just sat here smiling like an idiot. I didn't know what to do. He was enjoying the moment and I didn't want to ruin that for him. "When did this become a story time of all my embarrassing moments?" I sneered as I removed his arm. Even if I didn't want to.

"Come on Mae! It was funny. I'm just messing with you." He snickered pinching my cheek. I smacked his hand away before rubbing my cheeks. I gave a frown before getting off the counter. "You're not nice." I commented as I turned the burner off. I got out my mitts and carefully took my kettle off the stove. Chance soon enough got off the counter too, wiping off his pants. I don't get why people do that all the time? I shrugged at the thought.

"Mind handing me my cup?" I asked him. He quickly grabbed it and handed it to me. I took it and poured the hot water in till it hit the rim of the cup. I placed the kettle down, took my mitts off, and reached into the drawer for my tea packets. I grabbed on and plopped it in, stirring it in the process. "Tea? Really. You're that old." Chance blunted giving me an amused look. "It's good and healthy." I friendly snapped. He gave a chuckle before heading into the living room.

Out of all the people, Max and Chance are the closest to Vincent, that's how I know them. I personally like Chance more than Max, but most girls think otherwise. One time they had a poll on who was the hottest. It was ridiculous and plain goofy. I laughed at the all people who voted Max. Chance would have won on best personality in my opinion. Gosh, I sound like a complete fan girl. Stop it, Sadie. Chance doesn't like you like that. Plus, I think he has a girlfriend. How I hope he doesn't.

I blew onto my tea, making the steam wave away. I slowly made my way through the living room. Which was hard because I got stopped every two seconds by my brothers teammates. They're all annoying, but I know they all have good hearts. Well, not Max. He's the devils son by heart. "Guys, I just want to go upstairs." I exclaimed as Andrew finally let me pass. "Guys stop teasing my sister."

"Thank you Vic," I smiled before he gave me a evil smile. "No worries sis, we'll mess with you when you're sleeping. Isn't you're favorite animal a spider?" My eyes widen in anger and fear. "Do it and I'll stop all of your baby makers." I yelled before heading up stairs to continue to read and drink my lovely cup of tea.

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