Part 9

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>>Max Wilder<<

I watched her as she left in tears. What the hell happen to her? Why was she crying? She isn't one to cause this big of a scene, nor does she even show sadness in front of people. I looked over at Chance and suddenly found the problem. He was kissing another girl. Maybe that's why she was upset. Her Chance is taken by someone else.

I was taken from my thoughts as the girl on my lap brushed her hand against my cheek. What was her name again? Makayla? Or maybe it was Sage? I shook the thought, she didn't really matter to me anyways. All she was is a hot girl I somehow ended up flirting with.

"What are you looking at?" She pouted looking at my direction. I turned her head away and brushed my lips against hers. "Nothing." I murmured into her lips, this caused her to smile.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer to my chest. I deepen the kiss and ran my hands through her soft blonde hair of hers.

I couldn't think straight. Sadie was all I could think about. Of coarse I look out for her, she's my best friend's sister, I knew her since we were young. All three of us made sure no one messed with her and well, I guess, I'm just overprotective.

"We should go to my place." The girl whispered into my ear, giving it a little nibble. Giving out a small smirk, I was about to agree.

"What happen to Mae?" I snapped my head up to see a worried looking Chance. "I saw her crying and-"

"Yeah I saw." I replied. I quickly whispered something into the girl's ear before pushing her off. "Then why was she crying?" He asked. I stood up and pushed past him. "The guy she likes was kissing another girl." I simply stated as I walked to the cooler to grab a beer.

I popped it open and took a sip. "Shit." Chance murmured to himself as he ran his hand through his hair. You can tell he was frustrated. I wanted to laugh, but that wouldn't be mature of me. "I thought she didn't like me anymore." He panic, pacing back and forth. I shrugged. "Well, it looks like she does."

"What do I do?" He questions. Again I shrugged. "How am I suppose to know, I'm a user." Chance rolled his eyes. "I just don't want things to be awkward between us. I just don't see her in that way."

"Then tell her that." I suggested. I'm not that best in the advice category. I never really had to deal with anything like this...if a girl likes me, cool, I don't really care. Chance stopped his pacing. "If I tell her that, then it'll hurt her even more. I don't wanna be the bad guy." He gritted.

"Okay? It seems like you do have something for her, Mr.Defensive." I snapped. All he has been doing is denying everything I say. I have no idea why he comes to me all the time. "I don't!" He exclaimed, walking away from me. I think he's on his period.

Throwing my beer bottle away I decided to go to the front and have a smoke.


"Smoking is bad for your lungs." I looked up and puffed out the rest of the smoke. I couldn't see who it was, only a little bit of a face from the sunlight.

Shrugging, I burned out the cigarette. "So? I don't give a damn." I replied. The person gave me a small smile.

"Rachel." So it was a she. She got out of the shadows and extended. I ignored it and crossed my arms. "Max." I grumbled, sitting down on the stairs. She did the same. "So, what brings you here?" She asked, looking at me. "Hayden's on my varsity team." Responded. Why am I even talking to the girl? "Interesting."

"Why?" I asked, finally looking at her. Well I can't lie saying she wasn't hot because she was. "You smoke, drink..." she rolled on. I laughed. "I'm not the only one." I defended. Seriously why am I talking to her?

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