Part 11

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>>Sadie Mae<<

Max kept on glancing at me the entire drive and it was slightly driving me crazy. I snapped my head towards at him and frowned.

"Keep looking at me and we'll end up in a ditch," this caused him to laugh before shaking his head and focusing on the road. I raised my eyebrow before looking out the window. I wasn't suppose to relive high school after I graduated. I'm suppose to be an adult and take things maturely, but I feel like the same old me. I never changed, even if I tell myself I did. I'm still the same old boy crazy teenager me.

"Stop thinking, you're head might explode." Max said. I looked at him and shrugged. "Just a bigger mess you'll have to clean up later." He rolled his eyes.

"Blood stains are not easy to get out." I gave a slight chuckle. He gave me a small smile. When did I ever get along with Max? We always insult each other. "So, tell me what happen back at that party." Great way to ruin the moment, Max. I almost forgot about what happen. I gave a small huff before rubbing my face.

"Obviously Chance doesn't like me as much as I thought and Taylor was dared to make me think that he really liked me and"- I was interrupted. Max pulled over and turned his torso towards me. He didn't look too happy. "Why are you even friends with her? She's the biggest bitch." I gave him a glare. Yes, Taylor is a bitch. But she's MY bitch and she knows it. "She may be a bitch, but I care about her." I stated, crossing my arms. He clearly doesn't know that most of his friends are jerk. He absolutely has no right to judge who I hang out with.

"Sadie, she told someone who YOU liked, without your consent. That's not being loyal. Doesn't that break girl code or something?" Why does he even care so much? I mean I might be his best friends little sister, but I don't need him to care. "It doesn't matter anymore, it already happen."I frustratedly snapped. Max is acting so weird.

He then turned the car off. "What are you doing?" I said. He ignored me before unbuckling his seat belt. "I refuse to take you home." He then locked the car and took his keys out. Now I can't even escape if I wanted to. "Why?"

"Because you're gonna listen to me." I rolled my eyes. Another one of Max's pathetic lectures. I'm the one who should be giving one to him. Who knows how many girls he got pregnant. "About what?"

"Moving on." I huffed. I don't need his stupid advice. "I'll just scream rape to get out of this car." I threaten. He shook his head. "You wouldn't." I was about to reply but he silenced me by shaking his head.

"Chance doesn't like you."

"Thanks for telling me something I already know."

"Stop interrupting, let me finish." I rolled my eyes. Whatever. "Obviously, it's hurting you. Everyone knows you like him. I even seen it, the way you look at him..." he paused. I bit my lip and looked down. Everyone knew? I guess I really did make it obvious. He then continued,

"The way you blush when he compliments you, your smile when he tells a joke. We all seen it, Shae. You just think no one knows."

"What's the whole point of telling me this? I get it now, Chance doesn't like me. He never did"-

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." He interrupted. I looked up and tilted my head.

"It was a year after we graduated. We were freshmen in college and well, Chance began to have feelings for you. When he saw you with different guys, he got jealous. He began to play with you and mess with your feelings. Later on, he met this chick. He began to like her rather her than you."

"What?" I whispered.

"Yes, Shae, he liked you for a longtime." I didn't believe it. Chance actually did like me, but why would he go for someone else? Why not just ask me out? I gave out a small sigh before leaning my head against the head rest. My life is a mess and everything isn't going as plan. Most girls would have everything under control, but my life is anything but.

"This doesn't make since, Max. Why would he do this then?" I asked. I need answers, even if I'm getting them from Max, who I'm not sure is telling the full truth.

"One reason. Your brother. Chance and Vincent weren't on equal terms. Vincent was way too protective back then. Chance knew he would ruin his friendship with him if he dated you. Long story short, Chance rather have a friend then a girlfriend." That still doesn't make sense. Who would choose Vincent over me? Okay maybe that sounded cocky, but come on. That is not a good enough excuse for me, honestly.

My body felt completely numb. All this information was ruining me. Chance is such a playboy. He plays with me and goes to someone else after. Am I some game? Where when the new version comes out, you just throw me out?

At least I know the truth now and I can stop thinking of lies. I felt Max's hand on my thigh. I jumped a little at his cold touch. I gave him a confused look. He didn't do anything, but look down.

"The worst part is, Chance doesn't realize how much he affects you." He spoke softly. What his bing on with Max? Why is he acting like he cares about me? I then felt his other hand cup my cheek. I looked up into his eyes. He was focusing on anything, but me.

Suddenly, his eyes locked with mine. You can see the guilt seeping through his. He knew he wasn't suppose to tell me, but he also knew it was the right thing to do. And I'm glad he did because I can finally start healing.

I bit my lip, what was I suppose to do? Say something? This never happen to me before. Max looked down at my lips before slowly approaching them. I froze, Max was about to kiss me.

He face was inches from mine and I could feel his hot breaths against my lips. He slowly leaned closer and whispered. "Just enjoy it," before grazing his lips against mine. Butterflies irrupted all over me as I began to kiss him back. Max took his hand off my thigh and cupped my other cheek, holding my head softly. I placed my hands on his biceps and leaned in closer. What was I doing? I shouldn't kiss him.

I jumped a little when I felt his tongue glaze over my bottom lip. He smiled at my reaction. Before he pulled back, he tugged at my lip. After he looked at me before kissing my neck. I hitched my breathe trying to hold in the urge to squeak. I never got this sort of treatment.

"Max it's getting late. I-I think we should"- he interrupted me, once again, by giving me a peck on the cheek. "Of coarse." Max pulled back, smirking, before starting up the car.

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