Part 2

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Out of all the days of the week, Saturday I hated most. Not just because it's a lazy day for half of America, but Vincent's friends usually come over to use the pool. Which means, party. I hate parties. I mean I like the nice and casual ones, but the crazy and wild ones drive me insane. They're loud and gross. It's hard to explain really, but you get the idea.

I woke up with a book against my chest and a ringing phone on my nightstand. I quickly retrieved it and looked at who it was. Message from mom. I unlocked my phone and read the message my mom texted me.

Honey, father and I won't be home this weekend. I know we had a shopping day planned, but work held me up. I'll make it up to you.

I gave out a loud sigh and replied with I love you and it's okay. That's the fifth time our plans got cancel. I guess I'll be going on my own tomorrow. Only if one or all my friends wanna come. I noted myself to ask them later. I decided to invite them over so I won't be the only awkward one when my brother calls the party on. I know he's going to throw on, especially since our parents are out on work duty.

Tossing my blanket to the side, I got up and stretched my body. I gave a loud yawn and rubbed my cold arms. Why is it so cold in this house? Vincent needs to stop messing with the thermostat. I walked over to my vanity and picked up my brush. I gently brushed out my mane and placed it into a messy bun. I seriously need a hair cut soon. Too many splits end.

I then made my way downstairs and settled for a nice cup of ice coffee. I don't like my coffee warm because my tongue suffers too much by burns. I stirred my coffee in with a glass of ice. After I put my caramel creamer and took a light sip. Good as always. I made my way to the living room and saw that most of my brother's friends left. Only Chance and Max were here sleeping on the sofas. Chance was in a small ball on the recliner chair and Max was sprawled out on the love seat. Vincent was on the ground. I rolled my eyes, he's gonna need an aspirin.

Sitting down on the only empty sofa left, I turned the tv onto the weather channel. No, I'm not that old, but I just wanted to see how the day was gonna be. Nice and sunny. The way I like it. Maybe my friends and I could go to the park or maybe I could go to the used bookstore.

"Mmmmmmm, Sadie Mae..." My brother groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He looked up at me tiredly and yawned. "Where's the aspirin?" He mumbled, getting up. "Medicine cabinet, behind the bandages," I replied, flipping the channel to TLC. "I didn't think my hangover would be this bad." He commented as he got up and walked into the kitchen. "That's why you don't drink." I pointed out as I squealed in my mind. Say Yes to the Dress was on, it's one of my favorites. I always wanted to be on that show.

"Drinking is fun. Just not the aftermath." Vincent walked back into the living room. He plopped down next to me and gulped down the pill with a bottle of water. "Exactly."

"Shut up you two," Max muttered as he rubbed his eyes. He looked up at us and groaned. "It's too early." I looked at my phone and shook my head. "It's a quarter to noon." He rolled his eyes and sat up, running his hands through his hair. Man, he was blessed. His hair was messed up in the most perfect way, I couldn't help but stare. Good thing I stopped before he noticed. "Exactly. I need to sleep for another three hours. I need my sleep." He whined laying down and closing his eyes. "That won't stop your grumpy mood." I mimicked. He would always tell me to sleep more when I was in a bad mood, I'm returning the favor. Vincent laughed while Max's eyes shot open giving me a glare.

"Shut it, Shae." That was Max's nickname for me. Shae. I remembered when he got tired of my name and said he was going to change it.

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